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Is product quality worse now?

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Originally posted by bulldog D

Hey Phan

you can take it from me, in our house we try not to confuse quality with quantity and we always look at country of origin and make decisions after taking this into consideration.

So although we may not have total control over our money due to the capitalist system we all live in as you point out , we can at least exercise some control.

It might not change the whole world, but it influences our immediate family environment enormously.

My kids are growing up in the knowledge that good stuff is attainable and that there's no need to accept second best.

After all if you only get one crack at living, why sell yourself short!

And bear in mind these are material possesions anyway and pail into insignificance at the side of human rights and life in general.



But I have so much blood on my hands that no amount of scrubbing is going to get rid of it.


I pay taxes that fund despotic regimes and subsidise british industries producing torture equipment, terminator genes, small arms, landmines & clusterbombs. I pay for petrol that funds more despotic regimes and the oppression of entire ethnic groups worldwide.


I'm not saying that voting with your wallet is not worth it, it just craves thought and attention. Only that no-one should be under the impression that there is no such thing as ethical consumerism.

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Heh, this discussion reminds me of the "cheat sheet" for IKEA...



...Do not try to reconcile your recent participation in anti-globalization protest parades with the fact that you are now on the verge of buying an armchair that somehow costs 23 bucks....

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When did this become a big anti-capitalisation thread? It's the world we live in, we can't change it.


To get back to the original topic, it is a shame that these days, we almost expect the things we buy to be cr*p.

We dont seem to question why our expensive kitchen appliances pack in after 2 years of light use.

We dont complain when we get a bad service.

We seem to accept that it takes 28 weeks to fix a simple problem on a faulty product.


We live in a disposable world where everything is mass-manufactured as cheaply as possible. The manufacturers know that we'll not question their quality, and that we'll just throw stuff out and buy new if we have any problems.

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I agree it's harder to find good quality and value for money - but that's no excuse to stop looking if it's important to you...


"There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only are this man's lawful prey." - Ruskin, John


'nuff said :thumbsup:

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