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Bizarre Worldwide Laws

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It's not a law specifically though is it? It probably falls under animal rights or something.


Like it's illegal to take a cat into a hot airballoon and hang it's tail from a sandbag whilst playing the Macarena at 60 decibels on a portable stereo.


It's illegal because there's a law against being cruel to animals not because there's a specific law that prohibits the actual action.


As I understand it they were brough in specifically to stop PT Banum from doing them by the side fo railway lines to advertise his shows. The laws predate the general ones that you mention.


I could of course be wrong. I don't actually have the statutes in from of me.

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And OP which one of these " inane, stupid, petty, pathetic, childish, harsh, funny, hilarious, brutal and bizarre" exactly does Jaywalking fall under?


Jaywalking should be a crime in the UK, it causes hundreds of deaths a year.


And if you have enough time to saunter across the road with enough time not to cause any cars to break suddenly then you're clearly showing regard for traffic.

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ONE (The important One!) If one is a parent to two illegitimate children, that person will go to jail for at least one month.


It is illegal to teach others what polygamy is. (See the law above!)


Adultery or Fornication (living together while not married or having sex with someone that is not your spouse) results in a fine of $500 and/or 6 months in prison. (see 'One' above ... you could get a discount.)


It is illegal for a male to be sexually aroused in public. (Forget about discounts!)


In Tylertown, "It is unlawful to shave in the center of main street."


In Ridgeland, "It is unlawful for anyone to have sex in public." (I don't think the sailing club counts as 'public' if you're a member. ;))


Gallup, New Mexico had a law which said that "If you are arrested for being drunk and disorderly more than 5 times in a week you will go to jail for 5 days." The law lasted 3 weeks, By which time there was a 6-month queue of people waiting for a cell.

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On the subject of Jaywalking, what about crossing the road when there is a red man light on even if the on coming traffic stops or poses no threat, yet crossing the road with other people at a red light which we all do in town, wouldn't they have to prosecute everyone.


The red man lights also come into play when it has not turned to green crossing light yet cars still let you cross, if this was America, wouldn't they just carry on driving no matter how nonsensical it is with regard to crossing people and perhaps be prosecuted themselves for dangerous driving.

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