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Israeli government ganja advertisement in the BBC

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Israel does have a country. - It's called 'Israel'


Palestine also has a country - called 'Palestine'.


When the Israelis built a big fence to keep the Palestinians out of Israel (And in their country called 'Palestine') there was hell to pay.


Perhaps the Israelis should stay in Israel (no further colonisation) and the Palestinians should stay in Palestine (no going into Israel for work.)


Freeze the borders as they are now. (Don't give me any crap about '1967' - The Israelis were attacked and they won the land. They didn't start it.)


Would that work?


Israel was attacked by Egypt I believe not Palestine in 1967. The land the Israelis took was palestinian land. So they should have the border as of 1967.

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If Israel's only aggressor was Egypt (were the Golan Heights in Egypt? - my memory is failing) then why didn't the Palestinians kick the SH one out of Egypt for stirring up dissent with their (the Palestinians) ally Israel?


What about Jordan and Syria? - Were they on holiday during the 7-day war?


Why hasn't Egypt (Or Syria, or Jordan for that matter) supported and granted aid to their Palestinian brethren?

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Israel was attacked by Egypt I believe not Palestine in 1967. The land the Israelis took was palestinian land.


no it wasn't. Gaza was occupied by Egypt between 1948-67, the West Bank, by Transjordan, and the Golan Heights, by Syria. 'Palestine' didn't exist during those years. The British Mandate of Palestine, whose inhabitants included both Arabs and Jews (and others) ceased to exist in 1948.


you need to accept that there never has been any such thing as any Arab 'Palestinian land', or any such country as Arab 'Palestine'.

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huh? Whose land back? Why do you make these silly assumptions that what are today's Palestinian Arabs had any land worth mentioning in the first place, when 90% of it belonged to the Turkish occupiers prior to 1918 ? Since when was there any country called Palestine?


Since when was there a country called Israel?

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there were also various kingdoms of Israel in the ancient world, that between them lasted a total of around five centuries - not bad going for a patch of land that has changed hands by the means of force of arms more than anywhere else in the world - a total of 37 times in all over 5,000 years, the last three times being 1967, 1948, and 1917.


but unlike Israel, there has never been any Arab entity called Palestine in either the ancient world or the modern one.

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lol, why so many weed posts?


You're probably right, the herb should be legal in the UK, but you clearly have no problem getting your hands on it so does it really matter all that much whether it's legal or not?


Especially as I assume you only smoke it at home and you're at no real risk from the law.


Are you really that naive ? at the moment all proceeds go straight into the hands of criminals !

Ok, so our leaders may not be far behind in the morality stakes but at least funds from legally raised cannabis goes into government coffers as a huge and extra revenue stream and can be accounted for. :thumbsup:


Do you see ?

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