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Tom Watson MP latest blog, regarding paedophile ring within Govt.

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There certainly seems to be lots of witch-hunts going off lately for one thing or another. Still it's good to distract public attention away from the things that really matter.


Mecky, i think youll find this does really matter.


Until our judiciary system, the govt and the media are cleared from corruption and incompetence we wont move forward as a country.


Its a really crass comment youve made, and you should have a good hard think about how you would feel if you were a victim in this heinous crime.

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I remember reading a fascinating book by the campaigning journalist Nick Davies written about 15 years ago called 'Dark Heart' which alluded to abusers being at the very top of the establishment.

It now seems the truth is going to come out after years of cover up. At long last.


David Icke has been naming names, household names, in his books for years, calling them child rapists and killers etc, and none of these people ever sued him.

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David Icke has been naming names, household names, in his books for years, calling them child rapists and killers etc, and none of these people ever sued him.


Basically because hardly anyone takes Icke and his crackpot theories seriously................

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There certainly seems to be lots of witch-hunts going off lately for one thing or another. Still it's good to distract public attention away from the things that really matter.


Can't really think of anything that matters more than prosecuting habitual child rapists and the people in charge who allowed it to happen.

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Good article here from the Daily Express







"John Hemming said the Government was “dangerously complacent” about the level of cover-ups at *children’s homes and in the *wider family justice system.

He said if ministers did not demonstrate “a change of attitude”, he would withdraw his “personal support for the Government”.

Mr Hemming, who chairs the *Justice for Families campaign, has urged the Coalition to give *whistle- blowers more protection.

He wants to make it a criminal *offence to intimidate people who want to come forward, a demand he says is more urgent after scandals at care homes in Rotherham, Rochdale, Haut de la Garenne in Jersey and Wrexham, North Wales.

Children abused at the notorious Bryn Estyn home in Wrexham said they were beaten when they tried to report crimes against them.

Mr Hemming said there was a *culture of failure in the care system, one that local authorities cannot be trusted to correct."

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And how come similar allegations (only one witness) about Freddy Starr mean he can be named in the newspapers and interviewed by the police, but in the case of a leading politician they cannot be named and the police are making no move?


Because Starr publically said he wanted to be interviewed by the police to clear his name and the politico threatened to sue anyone who mentioned his name. I've no idea what truth their is in the allegations against either but on the face of it Starr made the right decision publicity wise as while both names are in the public domain one seems desperate to keep it secret.

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