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Tom Watson MP latest blog, regarding paedophile ring within Govt.

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No doubt this will only encourage "conspiracy theorists" to claim Messham has been threatened / bought into silence by the "establishment".


I don't think so. This looks like a terrible mistake. In fact it looks like a completely inexplicable mistake.


But let's not take our eye off the substance of what this is about:

1. Most importantly It is clear that serious abuse of youngsters did happen.

2. Have Tom Watson's original claims in parliament now been debunked?

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I don't think so. This looks like a terrible mistake. In fact it looks like a completely inexplicable mistake.


But let's not take our eye off the substance of what this is about:

1. Most importantly It is clear that serious abuse of youngsters did happen.

2. Have Tom Watson's original claims in parliament now been debunked?


It has always been acknowledged that the abuse happened. There was an inquiry into it. Four staff were convicted. Other people outside the home may have been involved in abuse -but not now it appears a major establishment figure - which is what drew attention to Watson's claims more than anything.


One thing that hardly appears to have been acknowledged in all the furore is that since the 70's / 80's a lot of things have been put in place to try and prevent similar abuse happening eg sex offenders register, CRB checks on staff, more accessible ways for victims to speak out.

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Lets just cut to the chase here, it appears that the so called crackpot conspiracy theorists were right all along in that a large rump of the establishment, or"illuminati" if you will, indulge themselves in skulldugery including child sex abuse.


Not 100% of the establishment/illuminati are at it, its not compulsory, but its there for them if they want to indulge in it with impunity; its a sick "perk" of being in the upper echelons of society.

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It has always been acknowledged that the abuse happened. There was an inquiry into it. Four staff were convicted. Other people outside the home may have been involved in abuse -but not now it appears a major establishment figure - which is what drew attention to Watson's claims more than anything.


One thing that hardly appears to have been acknowledged in all the furore is that since the 70's / 80's a lot of things have been put in place to try and prevent similar abuse happening eg sex offenders register, CRB checks on staff, more accessible ways for victims to speak out.


Certainly agree with that.


I think there are other things at work too, some negative and some good. The internet makes it easier for people to speak out and that is good. But it also makes it easier to defame people. Used in certain ways it can also help people clear their names - McAlpine has done this today and that is a positive thing for him in the midst of a nightmare situation.


I think something else has been highlighted too. People have lost faith in the people at the top of the tree. Senior politicians, corporates, the media, the police all appear prone to corruption and brazen criminality. People are not scared to take them on any more. We will see this more and I think it is scaring the poop out of a number of high-ranking people.

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Lets just cut to the chase here, it appears that the so called crackpot conspiracy theorists were right all along in that a large rump of the establishment, or"illuminati" if you will, indulge themselves in skulldugery including child sex abuse; not 100% of the establishment/illuminati are at its not compulsory but its there for them if they want to indulge in it with impunity, its a sick "perk" of being in the upper echelons of society.


And the evidence for this is..............where? Posts on the Icke Forum accusing every leading politician (that DIF forummers can remember) of the last 30 years being "paedo's"?

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Lets just cut to the chase here, it appears that the so called crackpot conspiracy theorists were right all along in that a large rump of the establishment, or"illuminati" if you will, indulge themselves in skulldugery including child sex abuse.


Not 100% of the establishment/illuminati are at it, its not compulsory, but its there for them if they want to indulge in it with impunity; its a sick "perk" of being in the upper echelons of society.


I think there are sex offenders at every level of society. Cases that come to court seem to confirm this. They all need to be brought to book, no matter who they are.

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I think there are sex offenders at every level of society. Cases that come to court seem to confirm this. They all need to be brought to book, no matter who they are.


Agree - and the majority are family / family friends of the victims.


It however appears a large section of the public is only interested if a celebrity or establishment figure is involved.

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I think there are sex offenders at every level of society. Cases that come to court seem to confirm this. They all need to be brought to book, no matter who they are.


Totally agree. And if there is evidence that "the high and mighty" were excluded from previous investigations then lets have those who excluded them brought to book. But lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater and condemn everone whose name appears on twatter.

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The guy who accused Lord McAlpine is now saying that he was entirely mistaken and he has no evidence he is a child abuser.


It does seem to me that people have been trying to make political capital out of this and people on the left wing have been far too quick to be gleeful and rub their hands over this. It now appears this may have been extremely premature.....


It reminds me of Damian McBride and his smear campaign.

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