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Ex pats make me laugh.

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]I do get what you mean and don't really understand why ex-pats come onto a city's forum they haven't visited in decades.[/b]

Really if their lives are in the new place, get on with it there.


And I'm not having a go at ex-pats, I know there's more to the world than Sheffield, but if I ever do become one myself, I won't be living in the past and visiting this forum and posting thousands of times on it.


It's more than just merely about Sheffield. This forum would be good even if it was called the Luton Forum. I generally post on threads that discuss America or history. I dont know much about Sheffield anymore and you wont find me on most of the threads either because I have nothing to say or have no interest in discussing somebody's problem with their car or washing machine

I spend an hour here and there on it most days but I also play a game of golf, or go for a bike ride up in the hills, go for a beer at the local watering hole and shoot the breezes with the regulars, or get the old Harley out for a spin, or go to one of the beaches with the missus for half a day.

I'm happily retired. I have lots of time on my hands. The Forum is just yet another way to spend a bit of time in a wonderfual world of not having to work anymore


If I didnt have the attachments of a loving family I would more than likely buy a motor home and hit the road 9 months of the year and throw the keyboard in the dumpster

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Most of the ex pats are getting on in age, they probably don't have a lot of family to relate too. One thing is obvious though is that many contributors to the forum are of equally late age and the consequence of that is history personal to them can be shared.


Just because you're an ex pat and getting on doesn't necessarily mean you've lost all feelings and thoughts for the past.


I have a wife, two sons and three grand kids. My wife has no interest in the Forum since she's not a Sheffielder, nor do either of my sons. They have their own world.

My wife often wonders why I even bother with a forum. She like to converse with people on the phone. People she knows. We're all different

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Never said there was, and I wasn't talking about America in particular.


Emigrate to Bulgaria, it doesn't matter where you go, I'm saying if I moved to...Cuba, I'd not spend my life on Sheffield forum.


There are ex-pats who have considerably more posts than actual Sheffielders who have been SF members for longer. I'm not having a go but I think the OP was just wondering why.


Speaking for myself I've probably spent more years in Sheffield than most Sheffield posters on here :)

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I do get what you mean and don't really understand why ex-pats come onto a city's forum they haven't visited in decades.


Really if their lives are in the new place, get on with it there.


And I'm not having a go at ex-pats, I know there's more to the world than Sheffield, but if I ever do become one myself, I won't be living in the past and visiting this forum and posting thousands of times on it.

Get a little time in SF, and you might become a bit more tolerant. A classic case of the value of having other lives than present Sheffield residents was the recent of the lady worrying about her son who was staying in New York when Hurricane Sandy hit. She had not heard from him, probably because some calls were not getting out. Myself and others from the area kept up reports on the situation for her. I have helped others out with travel plans to the US. I "got on" with it years ago, now its nice to be able to hear how the City is doing. You have no idea what you would do if you ever became an ex pat. You have to experience it to know. Though I don't know you at all, I somehow don't think you ever will, but I could be wrong. When things go wrong and the jobs aren't there, another country can look attractive.
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I left my home city 18 months ago,having spent 50 yrs in the city of my birth and although I'm not a ex pat having stayed in the country,I will always defend Sheffield and am proud of the place of my birth,not to mention being a blade.

I say live and let live,why the need to be condensing and cocky just because you still live in the city,of course some could say maybe your just jealous because you haven't the guts to move ,but I wouldn't want to get into the same mindset as you.;)

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Get a little time in SF, and you might become a bit more tolerant. A classic case of the value of having other lives than present Sheffield residents was the recent of the lady worrying about her son who was staying in New York when Hurricane Sandy hit. She had not heard from him, probably because some calls were not getting out. Myself and others from the area kept up reports on the situation for her. I have helped others out with travel plans to the US. I "got on" with it years ago, now its nice to be able to hear how the City is doing. You have no idea what you would do if you ever became an ex pat. You have to experience it to know. Though I don't know you at all, I somehow don't think you ever will, but I could be wrong. When things go wrong and the jobs aren't there, another country can look attractive.


They havent a clue what it was like to look for work with 15 bob in the pocket. I had the door slammed in my face by the good lady of a boarding house because she thought I was an Irishman.


Keyboard, twitter generation on the gravy train. You just have to laugh at some of them

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I beg to differ, he/she's very good at it, reeling you and Harley in every time with your justifications of life's choices.


Ever heard of the term "feeding the troll"? By doing so you give a platform..and by default credence.


I've been accused of being a dole freak but I rarely reply and I would never justify who and what I am..unless I enjoyed justifying.


The title should read "Harley and Buck make me laugh" rather than its present disguise, because you are actually being targeted, otherwise the thread would have been closed down immediately.


You're right in a way. Responding to trolls isnt conducive to maintaining one's dignity. I generally resort to sarcasm when getting into it with a troll and I have to admit I enjoy it sometimes. But I was always an argumentative bestard anyway and to hell with the dignity. I keep that part of me for weddings and dining out

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I don't believe either you or Harleyman would be on here if you didn't have a fondness for Sheffield, it seems to prove how beloved the city is to you:)


Certainly there is a feeling of connection even if it is long distant one but life's like that.

When you're young and if you have the balls.... you want to get ahead in the world. If you dont seem to be getting anywhere in the present environment then you seek greener pastures wherever. Ties to the places of birth dont matter very much. There are far more important things to be concerned with.


Then the years go by. You've lived the main part of your life, worked hard, adapted to your new environment and hopefully achieved most of what you've set out to do. You retire and have time to think about your long gone youth which you never had time to think of before and that's when some feeling of nostalgia kicks in.


I've known many an ex-pat from places such as Germany, France, Britain and Spain. They all keep in touch with their roots. One of my neighbors, Werner takes a trip back to Bavaria every two years, drives a Mercedes. He's retired also. That's just the way life is along with human nature

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