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Ex pats make me laugh.

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I do get what you mean and don't really understand why ex-pats come onto a city's forum they haven't visited in decades.


Really if their lives are in the new place, get on with it there.


And I'm not having a go at ex-pats, I know there's more to the world than Sheffield, but if I ever do become one myself, I won't be living in the past and visiting this forum and posting thousands of times on it.


Sorry to read about your Hang-ups, newbie.


I started visiting this forum because I have family living in Sheffield. I was at Finningley (And then Lindholme) some years ago and I still do have friends in the area.


I stayed on the forum because (although I've no doubt I do upset my share of people from time to time) about 80% (or thereabouts) of the people I've encountered on this forum are the sort of people I enjoy talking to.


If my presence on this forum makes you laugh, I am pleased.


If my presence on this forum annoys you, go into the 'my control panel' bit, find your 'blocked' list and add my name to the list.


That too will please me.


More than you can imagine.

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Ex pat does normally mean someone overseas, not someone who moved to Barnsley.


I expect I'd stay on the forum even if I moved, where else can you have so many lively debates?


Strangely enough whilst on holiday in Portugal recently we saw a pub in a small village advertising sunday dinner in an English style.

Turned out to be run by ex-pats and full of them for the lunch. Quite strange. It was our first day there, and the only day we didn't eat in more traditional Portuguese restaurants (or tourist versions thereof).

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