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Hillsborough - Anfield Run 2013


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Hi everyone,


On 4th-6th April 2013 a team of runners will be covering the 96 miles from Hillsborough to Anfield. We'll be doing it for two reasons, in memory of the 96 who lost their lives in the Hillsborough tragedy and to raise money for the Sheffield Children's Hospital (TCHS) and Liverpool's Alder Hey Hospital. Last year the run raised over £15,000 thanks to kind donors from Sheffield, Liverpool and all over the world. This year we're looking to beat that number. We want to turn something that was a horrific tragedy for both cities into hope for the future by raising money to help kids who are at their lowest ebb.




You can contribute to our fundrasing on http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=runforthe96


Our website is at http://www.hillsborough-anfieldrun.com if you'd like to know more.

If social media is your thing then you can follow our progress at|:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hillsboroughanfieldrun

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HillsboroughAnf

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/hillsboroughanf/hillsborough-anfield-run/




If you know of anyone who could help with publicity such as newspapers, radio or TV then that would be outstanding too. If you can help with this then please PM me.




Finally, the road will be long and hard. Each of our team of seven runners will be putting in over 30 miles per day for three days. Any messages of support that you can give the runners would be brilliant.






Mik Parkin

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Thanks guys. Even just putting a link on your Facebook page or any of the social media links listed would be great. It's going to be a tough slog for the lads but its going to do some real good.

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