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What a brave woman!!

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Sharon Osbourne has found she's carrying the breast cancer gene, as she had colon cancer 10 yrs ago, she's had both breasts removed.

She says she wants to be around to see her grandchildren grow up!


I think she's very brave, and I would have done the same, who wants that hanging over them..:(

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Not sure where brave comes into it. Life has dealt her a deal as it does all of us. The expectation that you want to see your children grow seems natural despite any setbacks.


Although it doesn't buy the elimination of cancer, money does buy and help the way you cope with it. Money is something she's not short of. Many with the same condition/s can't boast that.

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Well I hope the surgery halts the cancer, but if a male who had been diagnosed with testicular cancer had his nuts chopped off, would you describe him as 'brave' or would you say it was the only logical thing to do?


Particularly bearing in mind the potential brain damage.

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I refer you to my previous post.


What did Sharon have hanging over her?


She hadn't been diagnosed with cancer yet though, just carrying a breast cancer gene. She possibly would have never actually developed breast cancer, but had them removed just in case.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Her choice. I hope she never does develop any further kind of cancer and I can understand why she had radical mastectomies.


I don't know that I would describe her as 'brave'. The surgery is well-established, the anaesthesia works.


I think she was very wise. I wish her well and I hope her family enjoy having her around for a very long time.


Cancer is a thief. It takes your friends away and it takes their lives from them.

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Well I hope the surgery halts the cancer, but if a male who had been diagnosed with testicular cancer had his nuts chopped off, would you describe him as 'brave' or would you say it was the only logical thing to do?


Particularly bearing in mind the potential brain damage.

As a survivor of cancer of the larynx for 11 years, I consider myself very lucky, and also brave. When you first learn of it, your courage is tested to the extreme, and the months of therapy painful and dangerous. You are likely to say there's no choice in it, it's grin and bear it. I chose that option, unlike many who just give in. But I have a long remaining fear of cancer ever returning.
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Money doesn't come into it, I mean she's brave having her breasts removed, I would imagine most women would find that traumatic I know I would, but then you would have to be a woman to understand this...


And yes I do think she's brave, it's a big decision to make...you would have to be a hard, cynical person to not understand what she's going through.



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I'm very opposed to the B word when it comes to this sort of thing. I have had people use the word applied to me, but I'm not brave and I'm not stoic and when I was diagnosed I was as terrified as anybody else would have been.


My hysterectomy was partly because of endometriosis caused by the chemo and partly to remove the very high risk of endometrial tumours. The recent breast surgery I had was to remove tissue which was very likely to develop into lymph node cancer within the next few years.


Were either of those decisions brave? Nope. They they pragmatic and intended to save me from an even longer battle with cancer than the 15 years I've had already. I had a choice of either waiting for the tumours to get me or attempting to prevent them and I took the only choices that I thought were at all forward looking; I imagine that most people in my position would have made the same choices, so what's brave about that?

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