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What a brave woman!!

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Money doesn't come into it, I mean she's brave having her breasts removed, I would imagine most women would find that traumatic I know I would, but then you would have to be a woman to understand this...


And yes I do think she's brave, it's a big decision to make...you would have to be a hard, cynical person to not understand what she's going through.




I think she has acted pragmatically-arguably to have declined surgery and bear the risk of another malignant growth would have been even braver.However she has been very courageous to remain tied to her ridiculous husband.

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Sharon Osbourne has found she's carrying the breast cancer gene, as she had colon cancer 10 yrs ago, she's had both breasts removed.

She says she wants to be around to see her grandchildren grow up!


I think she's very brave, and I would have done the same, who wants that hanging over them..:(


I think there was a lady presenter from Peak FM who did the same think a couple of years ago...

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I think there was a lady presenter from Peak FM who did the same think a couple of years ago...


Yes I remember, also a few yrs ago two sisters (both doctors) did the same..


I still say all these ladies were brave, if it happened to me and someone called me brave, I wouldn't be offended..:)

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I'm very opposed to the B word when it comes to this sort of thing. I have had people use the word applied to me, but I'm not brave and I'm not stoic and when I was diagnosed I was as terrified as anybody else would have been.


My hysterectomy was partly because of endometriosis caused by the chemo and partly to remove the very high risk of endometrial tumours. The recent breast surgery I had was to remove tissue which was very likely to develop into lymph node cancer within the next few years.


Were either of those decisions brave? Nope. They they pragmatic and intended to save me from an even longer battle with cancer than the 15 years I've had already. I had a choice of either waiting for the tumours to get me or attempting to prevent them and I took the only choices that I thought were at all forward looking; I imagine that most people in my position would have made the same choices, so what's brave about that?

Being brave doesn't mean you're fearless. It means you're able to face your fears. The fearless if they exist at all would probably be foolhardy.
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