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What was your favorite game as a child?

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I loved all playground games. My favourites were British Bulldog, stick in the mud, whats the time Mr Wolf, forty forty, It, skipping games with a rope, a group and a song, clapping games with a song, anything that involved running and laughing/screaming/suspense, excitement. At home my brother and I absolutely loved chasing each other around our multi-level garden, I crashed into the wall a few times and needed stitches! We used to run up the steps across the grass, jump off a 5 foot wall and along and up the steps again. We found it impossible to run without screaming because we were so excited. Mum endlessly worried about the noise affecting the neighbours and tried to get us to run quietly, but we literally couldn't. We also had a house that we could run in a loop through so we did that a lot. On day my brother was chasing me, and I crashed my head into the recently put up tiles on the kitchen wall, breaking the tile- it cracked and fell off the wall, Mum was most put out!


I liked battleships, and pictionary, battleships was my favourite. We played a lot of cards with my grandparents and separately with my friend. Some of our favourites were pass the pig, because Nan always lost, which we found hilarious and 's***head', I don't actually know the polite name for the game. We played it a lot, we liked it because it was fast and funny. I liked sevens too.


I also loved French Cricket which we played a lot with my family. I liked big wooden outdoor play areas at Stately Homes, my parents had a self improvement drive on taking us to Stately Homes for a few years so we tried out a lot of National Trust and English Heritage playgrounds!


Mostly I liked anything that involved running and screaming. I distinctly remember when I was about ten realising that I hadn't fallen over for at least two weeks and being very surprised and discussing it with my friend. I fell over a lot, because I ran a lot and chased a lot. I liked roller skates and my bike a lot too.


I liked swing ball, that was a favourite for a long time. In our house we had a place where we could swing between two points- worktop height parallel bars, we did that a lot whilst talking to Mum in the kitchen, every so often she would tell us not to. We could get a good momentum going swinging back and forward and jumping forward.


We also loved jumping down the stairs. We had some big cushions (and a glass front door!) We piled the cushions at the bottom of the stairs. And took it in turns to see who could jump from the highest stairs, our stairs turned a little at the top, so the skill was to jump from the very top landing on the cushions and hopefully not crashing into the glass front door! Mum turned a blind eye to this game! We liked collecting conkers. When I was by myself I made things from a make and do book (I had a few old black and white ones).We loved comic annuals and read them over and over again. And in the car we liked looking in the map book and finding the silliest place names. Some of our favourites, were America in Cambridge, Pratts Bottom and Crouch End!!! Endless laughter came from looking at place names in the map book! I liked stilts too.

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Spent hours on the Brooks ( Bottom end of Yew Lane )..playing Football ,Climbing Trees , Cardboard Slides ..Lived just across the road and there was allus around 8 of us ....Happy Days indeed ...:)




Really i miss too, Those sweet days........:(

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