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Operation Vendetta- protest in London tonight.

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Genius, wish I could watch it but alas I am at work.


I bet my company are in on the conspiracy - I bet that's why I can't watch it :help:


*runs and hides in cupboard and sucks thumb until men in black outside stop watching him*


Conspiracy decribes something covert. There is nothing covert or conspiratorial about large companies failing to pay their due taxes. They'd rather you didn't know or ask awkward questions but it's out there for anyone to find out with a bit of digging.


What simply amazes me is that ordinary people can get in such a tiz about people just like themselves 'scrounging' a few quid on benefits, yet those same people have no interest whatsoever in the large companies and corporations that anually avoid paying £billions of pounds in tax through sharp practice as a matter if course, costing the country a hundred times as much.


They then mock and berate anyone who makes the effort to draw attention to it. I think their time would be better spent supporting those who want a fairer and more equitable society for the sake of all. That, or they should just shut up.

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Do people imagine there was some golden age where companies or individuals paid more tax than they legally had to? It's ILLEGAL for publicly owned companies not to take any steps they legally can to minimise their exposure to taxation.


We don't have a problem with tax avoidance. We have a problems with governments that spend too much money and voters who vote for whichever party gives away the most freebies.

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Do people imagine there was some golden age where companies or individuals paid more tax than they legally had to? It's ILLEGAL for publicly owned companies not to take any steps they legally can to minimise their exposure to taxation.


We don't have a problem with tax avoidance. We have a problems with governments that spend too much money and voters who vote for whichever party gives away the most freebies.


There's a difference between companies legally avoiding tax by fair means, and the morally corrupt practices which they indulge in. You know it and I know it. And it's not just me saying so, the Government and the Church have said so too.


As for a golden age, no, there probably never was, but as with the banks, there was a time when the words integrity and honourable were important.

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There's a difference between companies legally avoiding tax by fair means, and the morally corrupt practices which they indulge in. You know it and I know it. And it's not just me saying so, the Government and the Church have said so too.


As for a golden age, no, there probably never was, but as with the banks, there was a time when the words integrity and honourable were important.



Dont buy anything off the companies involved then, or go with a few coach loads of Tarquins and feel really important ..... :D

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Conspiracy decribes something covert. There is nothing covert or conspiratorial about large companies failing to pay their due taxes. They'd rather you didn't know or ask awkward questions but it's out there for anyone to find out with a bit of digging.


What simply amazes me is that ordinary people can get in such a tiz about people just like themselves 'scrounging' a few quid on benefits, yet those same people have no interest whatsoever in the large companies and corporations that anually avoid paying £billions of pounds in tax through sharp practice as a matter if course, costing the country a hundred times as much.


They then mock and berate anyone who makes the effort to draw attention to it. I think their time would be better spent supporting those who want a fairer and more equitable society for the sake of all. That, or they should just shut up.


That’s because large companies serve a useful function to the majority and pay something into the system, whilst scroungers serve no useful function and take money out of the system.

Who do we need the most, the people that provide a service to everyone or the people that do nothing at all other than scrounge?

If the service provider became scroungers there would be less employment, if the scrounger became service providers there would be more employment, so it’s the scroungers that need targeting the most.

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On the contrary, I live in the same world as everyone else, and I don't like the way things are going....


No the country does seem to be acquiring a lot more scrounging conspiracy theorists and generally unwashed anarchists lately.....I dont like that either ;)

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No the country does seem to be acquiring a lot more scrounging conspiracy theorists and generally unwashed anarchists lately.....I dont like that either ;)


Certainly there are a great many more unemployed and a lot of them are very angry indeed with good cause. However they are the result, not the cause of what ails Britain.

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