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India is heading for Mars: it doesn’t need British aid money to pay the bil

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One of their Gov ministers I think did say a bit back that British aid is peanuts or something along them lines.

I agree, charity begins at home and plenty of needy people/depts at home could do with the cash.

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Some of the wealthier Indian classes/castes quite annoy me, they have an entrenched class/caste system. Many Indian people are in need of aid, many are not. If you ask me, they don't care about their own people so to speak.


Over here we do have racism and we do have discrimination, but it ain't half a bad as it is over there. What gets to me most, is that very privileged Indians of a higher caste will try to make out they are hard done by, when really they have been born into a privileged lifestyle. The lower caste don't seem to have this problem and consider themselves fortunate, and they seldom seem to protest about their condition, that said, recently many marched for land;



The arguments they have are very similar to my own. One women puts it quite well when she says that Mother Earth must nurture us all, we all need to suckle on her teat, we all need access to land. It is an argument that will always continue and it is more important than the argument between capital and labour - because capital and labour can work together.


Whereas serfdom and class systems arising from land ownership cannot be solved, unless land ownership is brought to the landless, so that if they wish to access land they have the ability to do so.


India has some grotesque inequality, Mukesh Ambani has arguably the most expensive house in the world - some 600+ servants. "Antilia". And it s beside some of the largest, if not the largest slums in the world, Dharavi (Prince Charles reckons we could learn from the slum dwellers of Dharavi!).


Some of the wealthier Indians bring shame upon their caste. They are a disgrace to humanity as a whole IMO. Every human being should have equality of opportunity if you ask me, the ability to compete in a relatively free market, the ability to access land, or at least be provided a minimum standard of living a compensation for their enforced poverty.


We shouldn't be giving aid to corrupt wealthy Indians. For them we should reduce aid. But we should still give aid to the poor of India, of which they are many. If anything we should increase aid.


The problem is though, it is our system of land monopoly that enforces their system of land monopoly. We corrupt them, and we need to acknowledge that. Many higher caste Indians, along with all of us in the UK benefit from the enforced poverty of the lower caste of India. And that is a downright disgrace. An Indian should have access to land, but also and Englishman/Britishman should have access to land.


The funny thing is, the people who argue for us to cut aid to India so that we can help our 'own', are the same ones, that demonise our 'own'. They will say cut Indian aid to help our poor, and then say that we should cut benefits for our poor and dictate how they spend them (particularly those with a vested interest of having people fund their businesses). A landlord for example will say that JSA should be cut and argue for LHA to be paid direct and increased! (To pay of THEIR mortgage and yield them profit.)


The caption of the picture that goes with the torygraph article says it all;


It is outrageous that we condescend to India with our paltry aid, just to pay the mortgages of aid workers


I haven't clicked any of the adverts on the link to the article - so I hold my head up high and say that I haven't paid the mortgage of the journalist who wrote some of that diatribe.

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When the UK economy is in surplus, lets see which country needs help. When we cant afford to keep our own elderly in a dignified manor and people die because our NHS service cannot foot the drugs bill, then our money needs spending on our own people.


Note: I see my typo :) ... who would not love to live in a dignified Manor :)

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