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Whatever does he mean by that?

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Parkinson's Laws


1) Work expands to fill the time available for its completion; the thing to be done swells in perceived importance and complexity in a direct ratio with the time to be spent in its completion.


2) Expenditures rise to meet income.


3) Expansion means complexity; and complexity decay.


4) The number of people in any working group tends to increase regardless of the amount of work to be done.


5) If there is a way to delay an important decision the good bureaucracy, public or private, will find it.


6) The progress of science is inversely proportional to the number of journals published.





He must think that working people are dishonest.:mad:

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Because in his first law he states that if people have got plenty of time to do their work, they take longer to do it. The rest of it is in a similar vain.:(


So where's the dishonesty? If someone is given a task and a time in which to do that task and they complete within the time allocated it's not dishonest.

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So where's the dishonesty? If someone is given a task and a time in which to do that task and they complete within the time allocated it's not dishonest.


He is suggesting that people find ways of making the job last longer to fill the time out, rather than finishing early and asking for alternative work.:(

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Because in his first law he states that if people have got plenty of time to do their work, they take longer to do it. The rest of it is in a similar vain.:(


I don't see it like that..


With the first one what usually happens is imagine you have a free day at home and you have to cut the grass..you think an hour should cover it but,because you know you have a lot of free time it takes you a lot longer..


With the second..the more you earn the more you spend..


third..the bigger a project gets the more complicated i becomes and the more like likley it will fail


Number 4 is self explanatory


5..groups of people, committees for example,will take a long time to reach a decision whereas one person would make a decision quicker..


6.The more people talk about something (ie publish in journals) the less time they spend working on it..


I see nothing about dishonesty..

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