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In praise of Occupy

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<...> Occupy has been fundamental in raising public awareness.'
I think bank bailouts and QE measures, public spencing cuts and, generally, life for Joe Everybody in the last 4 years, have been somewhat more "fundamental in raising public awareness" about consequences of earlier unchecked financial risks, than a semi-organised rent-a-mob :rolleyes:
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Why do the words Middle Class Kids playing at being lefty anarchists spring to mind? Nothing worse than spoilt brats being a bit "radical" :D


Its not where you come from, its where you are going that counts! Disregarding people due to their background is utter stupidity and if it was the other way round, people like you would scream blue murder!

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Why because I don't agree with your views?


Bit small minded isn't it?


My views being?

I'm used to people not agreeing with me, I just don't see why you need do it in the style of a nine year old, trying to get a cheap laugh from his idiot friends.

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Shouldn't you be at work? As should all the Occupy idiots.


You see this is what is so disappointing - declaring all Occupy supporters as 'idiots' without thought or justification.


Feel free to disagree by all means, but at least attempt to put forward a reasoned argument for it.

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You see this is what is so disappointing - declaring all Occupy supporters as 'idiots' without thought or justification.


Feel free to disagree by all means, but at least attempt to put forward a reasoned argument for it.


There are people from all walks of life involved with occupy




"The ex-cop was taking part in the demonstrations in New York when he was detained by fellow officers who put toughened plastic bands around his wrists and shoved him to the floor.

Startling footage posted on YouTube shows his uniform blending in with a dozen other officers - before they grab him and haul him away."

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You see this is what is so disappointing - declaring all Occupy supporters as 'idiots' without thought or justification.


Feel free to disagree by all means, but at least attempt to put forward a reasoned argument for it.


Why thank you Anna, I will.


As others have pointed out, joe public were well aware just how bad and effectivly unregulated the banks were when it all breasts up in 08 and 09. You couldn't pick up a paper - any paper - and not read about it or turn on the news and watch some hitherto under used economics reporter gleefully (and that is the right word for some in my view) tell us how we're all screwed and how much the worlds governments were prepared to shell out (with no conditions the idiots) to try and stop this tower of sand slipping into the abys.


Buts that old news, and was old news when occupy pitched their tents on wall street and the city of London.


These were absolutely the right places to protest against banks and big business in general. They don't pay enough tax got away with alot when it all went pear shaped.


But quite quickly, the wheels fell off. Do they want a fair deal for the banks ? Are they all anti capitalists ? What do they want apart from the status quo ? I don't always agree with Louise mench but screaming about smashing the system whilst swigging a Starbucks is a tad hypocritical. And they didn't like confrontation so the London lot legged to st Paul's, still in the heart of the city, and still a good location to ask with the city of London corporation about slighly iffy lobbying and tax issues.


This bizzarly seemed to push people unhappy with banks to camp outside churches and squares. Why ? "well there's a bank across the road." Fail." It's a good place to meet people and talk to them". Fail. I still don't know what occupy want. According to some on here it's regime change, others it's electoral reform but they don't want to stand in elections. They don't want a spokesperson so it's whatever nutcase the media can find so the message, what ever it is gets muddled further.


The over riding message is that banks and big business aren't nice and governments don't do very much about it. Not really news to most people. Unless occupy put some coherent ideas together or at least try to erode the power of big business by only using small and/or ethical ones they're just wasting their time and everyone else's.

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