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In praise of Occupy

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Why are people still going on about the Occupy movement? It died a death a year ago, having spectacularly failed to achieve anything of note.


The only time I can ever imagine them ever being in the media again is when they do one of those "I Love 2011" retro TV shows and we'll all laugh at the thought that a bunch of spoilt rich kids could bring down the government by taking a camping holiday outside a cathedral!

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You see this is what is so disappointing - declaring all Occupy supporters as 'idiots' without thought or justification.


That does appear to be the case, lack of thought. It's just regurgitated stereotyping and cliches without much of any substance.


The only time I can ever imagine them ever being in the media again is when they do one of those "I Love 2011" retro TV shows and we'll all laugh at the thought that a bunch of spoilt rich kids could bring down the government by taking a camping holiday outside a cathedral!


There you go. How many of these "spoilt rich kids" do you know who went down then?


I ask because I know a few people who went down, none were spoilt and certainly none were rich, quite the opposite actually.

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Maybe the would be better off looking for work rather than dossing in town?


According to a lot on this forum, there's none to be found ;)


Regardless, I don't see how being unemployed, in your eye's, makes you a "spoilt brat".


Can you justify or substantiate your statement in any way?


Just a though like


If only you gave as much thought to the content of your posts eh!

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I never said that been unemployed made you spoilt..... I said that there are too many middle class rich kids who seem to make up the majority of these sort of protests - I imagine that is what being a student does to your head


I think the problem here is your perception, rather than the reality it fails to reflect.

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I never said that been unemployed made you spoilt..... I said that there are too many middle class rich kids who seem to make up the majority of these sort of protests - I imagine that is what being a student does to your head


That is categorically not what you said:-


Nothing worse than spoilt brats being a bit "radical"


And that:


Maybe the would be better off looking for work rather than dossing in town?


That you have to resort to gross stereotypes and cliches should have been your clue, if only you'd thought about that eh!


Nice back peddling though.

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Thats ok with me - are you implying that most SWP types are not in fact students? Or other work shy people?


No, I'm not implying anything. Any implication is on your part,


FWIW I knew a few people at Occupy LSX, although I would never have taken part myself.


One was a barrister (not a member of the SWP!) and closely involved with the protest as well as instructing counsel for OLSX. I trust his characterisation of the protest pretty much over most commentators on this forum because he's an intelligent, well educated man, he was there, reasonably central to events, and blogged continually throughout. Your wildly varying characterisations are wrong.

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