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Rotherham PM Denis McShane in expenses scandal

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Over an hour and not one reply. Shame it's not a Tory, we would have had 10 pages by now!



Indeed. I was wondering just how long before someone dared to condemn him... gues we will have to wait a little longer.


As you say, if it'd been a Conservative or Liberal the usual suspects would be out of the woodwork long before now flinging monkeynuts like they always do.

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Over an hour and not one reply. Shame it's not a Tory, we would have had 10 pages by now!


He's a local politician as well! We are talking here about the neighbouring town having no representation in parliament for the next year if he doesn't do the decent thing and resign his seat. :gag:

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Indeed. I was wondering just how long before someone dared to condemn him... gues we will have to wait a little longer.


As you say, if it'd been a Conservative or Liberal the usual suspects would be out of the woodwork long before now flinging monkeynuts like they always do.


Yawn. Stop trying to play it down, we all know you're swinging from the chandelier and probably linking the story all over the Internet trying to make some point.

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Yawn. Stop trying to play it down, we all know you're swinging from the chandelier and probably linking the story all over the Internet trying to make some point.


And once again Mecky incorrectly accuses someone else of doing what he does in 99% of his posts.


Your hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me. You seem to be confusing Obelix with yourself! :D

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And there's the first one flung. Hour and 24 minutes - you'd have been a lot faster if was a Tory I'm sure Mecky.


As for linking no. I don't engage in gutter level politics like that.


Posting a link to a story like this from a reputable source is not "gutter level" politics.


It's an important story, regardless of the political party Macshane belongs to. It deserves to be brought to peoples attention and debated.

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