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Rotherham PM Denis McShane in expenses scandal

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Just think back to the "expenses debacle". How many Parasites were struggling to get on telly so they could wail that they had paid back that, they had simply stole from the public purse.


So if you get caught thieving (to survive), it should be quite easy to avoid jail, borrow some brass, pay it back and bingo the law will not prosecute you.


Don't forget peoples, we are all in it togather.



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Just think back to the "expenses debacle". How many Parasites were struggling to get on telly so they could wail that they had paid back that, they had simply stole from the public purse.


So if you get caught thieving (to survive), it should be quite easy to avoid jail, borrow some brass, pay it back and bingo the law will not prosecute you.


Don't forget peoples, we are all in it togather.




It's happening to some extent now. Some people nicked some brass fittings off the fountains at Barkers Pool, they just had to pay for the damage when the police caught up with them. The authorities need to give these MPs a dose of reality though and prosecute, they've stolen off all of us.

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"For once under Griffin’s fiasco leadership the BNP has got lucky. The suspension from parliament of Rotherham Labour MP Dennis McShane for expense fiddling will mean a by-election in Rotherham where the BNP got over 10% of the vote in 2010. That’s where the luck ends and the in fighting begins. No doubt both Griffin and Andrew Brons will fancy elbowing the existing candidate to one side and running themselves. Could be very nasty." Source.


With recent EDL and NF activity in Rotherham, it could indeed become very messy. I wonder if the racists will be fighting between themselves to field candidates.

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The people of Rotherham would vote for a pig with a red rosette on it. Labour will get in again, and Rotherham will continue to decline.


Would you prefer a BNP MP for Rotherham?


In any case, shouldn't the Government be doing more to ensure that Rotherham doesn't continue to decline? I'd have thought that was what they existed for.

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Would you prefer a BNP MP for Rotherham?


In any case, shouldn't the Government be doing more to ensure that Rotherham doesn't continue to decline? I'd have thought that was what they existed for.


I worked in Rotherham until a couple of years ago. The decline was scary. No one in authority seemed to be doing anything about it. The Renaissance just produced some nice shops that would have done well in Camden Market but with no footfall and some flats by the river that no-one wanted to live in.


Have things got better since the New York Stadium rose out of the ashes? I hope so.

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