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Rotherham PM Denis McShane in expenses scandal

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I worked in Rotherham until a couple of years ago. The decline was scary. No one in authority seemed to be doing anything about it. The Renaissance just produced some nice shops that would have done well in Camden Market but with no footfall and some flats by the river that no-one wanted to live in.


Have things got better since the New York Stadium rose out of the ashes? I hope so.


I grew up there. The town centre used to be pretty good for shopping. The outskirts suffered disproportionately from Mrs Thatcher's hatred of manufacturing industry. It has never recovered from that.


Mind you, I've been out that way today and there are some lovely villages that surround the town.

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Yep,they get what they deserve.


What do you think that they deserve?


Do you deserve anything different? Maybe more than "them"?

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Nice bit of editing there ,well done.;)


What do you think that they deserve?


Do you deserve anything different? Maybe more than "them"?

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Would you prefer a BNP MP for Rotherham?


In any case, shouldn't the Government be doing more to ensure that Rotherham doesn't continue to decline? I'd have thought that was what they existed for.


Some interesting points here. The good people of Rotherham, with the exception of maybe a thousand knuckleheads who will vote bnp, they'll vote labour. They'll vote labour if they are honest and true and will vote labour if they arent. Mcshane would stroll it if he was to run again.


But in all honesty, what will a new mp do for rotherham ? They don't have any power and only a modicum of influence, unless they can lean on enough people to turn into an enterprise zone, which I believe Rotherham is. Councillors have the real punch at local level. Look at chesterfield. Hardly the centre of the universe, but considering its a similar size and had similar problems 15 or 20 years ago it's kicked on more. Smarter men than me will compare unemployment rates etc and chesterfield will do better.


Is that down to an mp ? Was labour, wedgie Ben no less, then lib dem, then despite a national kicking, labour again. Answers on a postcard.

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Better a pig with a Red rosette than a pig with one eye.


Gordon Brown was Labour surely?



In any case, shouldn't the Government be doing more to ensure that Rotherham doesn't continue to decline? I'd have thought that was what they existed for.


I thought they were there to govern, not run the economy.


The men behind the Industrial Revolution (y'know, that thing that made this country a global economic powerhouse) didn't rely on the government for anything. If they had, we'd have been left behind by the rest of the world.


Governments aren't very good at running economies directly (the old Soviet Union was a good example of that).


China is a good example of doing the opposite of what you suggest.


China experienced the fastest global growth over the past three decades on the relaxation of state intervention, leading to the rise of industry and manufacturing, particularly private enterprise. China’s degree of liberalising economic reform reaped considerable growth and inflows of foreign currency, including partial integration into financial markets and engagement in global trade. Following China’s growth path means moving toward more economic freedom, not less — and less state control, not more.




You could say "well, yes, but China has millions of cheap labourers".


Yes, but they've always had them and still they were not a global economic power until very recently.


Governments aren't very good at running most things. They tend to be stuffed full of brown nosers, sycophants, incompetents and toadies. Very few of these individuals have ever run a business themselves or know very much about economics.


Yet most on here seem to want more state control, either because they want to do the some of the controlling (you know the type) or they just want somebody else to do their thinking for them.


No job? Don't start your own business, oh no! Just sit on you 'arris complaining and waiting for "them", the State to do something for you.


You've got a long wait ahead of you.

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