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Rotherham PM Denis McShane in expenses scandal

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If there is a real chance of Rotherham electing a BNP MP, shouldn't people be asking: "Why? What went so wrong with the 'traditional parties' (Notwithstanding the likely success of a pig with a red rosette)?


I don't like party politics - I've said that often enough to be boring. There are however, one or two political parties which I dislike. - not the same as 'Don't like'.


The people do (and should) have the right to choose. If the people of Rotherham (socialist to the core?) are likely to elect a National Socialist (or as near as damn it) MP, shouldn't the people who run the 3 major parties be asking themselves: "What did we do wrong?"

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If there is a real chance of Rotherham electing a BNP MP, shouldn't people be asking: "Why? What went so wrong with the 'traditional parties' (Notwithstanding the likely success of a pig with a red rosette)?


I don't like party politics - I've said that often enough to be boring. There are however, one or two political parties which I dislike. - not the same as 'Don't like'.


The people do (and should) have the right to choose. If the people of Rotherham (socialist to the core?) are likely to elect a National Socialist (or as near as damn it) MP, shouldn't the people who run the 3 major parties be asking themselves: "What did we do wrong?"


There isn't.

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The people of Rotherham would vote for a pig with a red rosette on it. Labour will get in again, and Rotherham will continue to decline.


Better than a pig with a blue rosette which doesn't adhere to its manifesto in any way shape or form.

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I lived in Rotherham for 13 years, after living in Doncaster for 20+. When we moved there in 1992 there was a fairly thriving town centre. It has all but disappeared as Parkgate has grown. I accept that it is also near to Meadowhall, but not everyone is in thrall to shopping centres, and would visit the local centre if it was worth a visit. Even Merrill's, the only decent coffee shop has been demolished. :o


Doncaster appears to have moved onwards and when I visit, the town centre is usually busy. They have put money into the markets which are still a big draw, and probably the best within South Yorkshire.


One of the big drawbacks for Rotherham, IMO, isn't necessarily the party in power, rather the lack of genuine opposition, which leads to complacency.


However, I doubt they will have a BNP MP.

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No matter who it is stands for MP in Rotherham the Labour man will walk in,he will be selected by his masters they in turn will tell all the trade union people to vote for him and all the council workers also and all the NHS etc.Then he will become a puppet with no will or power of his own and then he will be shown how to get his nose deep down in the trough you only have to look at the borough Council to see the calibre of the councillors even the leader was caught fiddling his train fares.

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... you only have to look at the borough Council to see the calibre of the councillors even the leader was caught fiddling his train fares.


Did he pay? - I thought it was only Tories who were guilty of fiddling train fares (And guilty even when they actually paid them?)


Which newspaper carried the article about the Rotherham councillor on the fiddle, then?

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With recent EDL and NF activity in Rotherham, it could indeed become very messy. I wonder if the racists will be fighting between themselves to field candidates.


Don't forget much of this was activity by outsiders travelling to Rotherham, and not "the people of Rotherham"

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After the RMBC announcement that they will be expecting tennants no longer in need of social housing to free up their properties for the more needy people of the borough, will they be asking cllr Andrews Labour party (Hellaby Ward) to free up her own 3 bed council dwelling?


After all, she earns well in excess of 30,000 per year with her cllr salary plus expenses and her salary as a nurse in the private sector….the alleged socialist gave up on the NHS after they spent thousands training her!

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