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Rotherham PM Denis McShane in expenses scandal

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I hope that the good people of Rotherham do elect a BNP MP.


Not because I support the BNP (which I don't) but because it will, hopefully, provoke a debate about the myth of a multi-cultural society and it's supposed benefits that the mainstream parties have propogated for decades and their refusal to allow any critical dissent regarding it.


Is it a myth-I am sure we have several cultures co-existing in the UK.If you look hard and deep enough you may one to suit you and your narrow tastes;if not why not try a spell in somewhere like Mali or Mongolia.

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A couple of years ago a Pakistani family living in Rotherham was suffering from racist abuse and antisocial behaviour, they approach their local Labour councillor who did nothing to help them, their neighbour put them in touch with the BNP councillor and within a week the council had paid for CCTV and security light for their council house.


Where did you dig this one from?It sounds ridiculous and far fetched.

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The councillor that only turned up for three meetings out of sixteen and claimed £25,000 for doing so...


I want to be clear on this, it is wrong that the system in place allowed me to do this, and I for one fully support changes to this flawed system so this cannot and does not happen again

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