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Rotherham PM Denis McShane in expenses scandal

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Yawn. Stop trying to play it down, we all know you're swinging from the chandelier and probably linking the story all over the Internet trying to make some point.


You need to check you keyboard mate. The paragraph you obviously typed denouncing this man as the fraud he is, is missing.


Unless you think what he did is ok cause he's in your gang.


Why aren't the police investigating this ?

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So he's been suspended but I'd like to know is he still getting any expenses or other income, does he have to repay the expenses and why isn't it a law that any MP caught fiddling gets kicked out of both their party and hopefully are never allowed to be an MP again
you do know who make the laws dont you ?
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Yes, been on the radio that he has resigned.


Given the safe nature of the seat, I suspect we will not hear much more on the subject.


Its a pity this one didn't have the decency to resign.


Expenses scandal: Kevin Barron claimed £1,500 a month to rent from colleague


Mr Barron, whose committee sits in judgment of MPs accused of ethically questionable behaviour, began renting Mr Trickett’s home after selling his taxpayer-funded flat for a profit of almost £500,000 after the expenses scandal.

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lol what with the other local MPs like Betts with his visa fiddling Blunket with his infidelity and Mcshane on the take,and still the liebour voters still vote the same.:hihi:


So glad you brought this up, what with the Tory party being such paragons of virtue, and of course all its members now and past, are beyond reproach.


In respect of McShane he has only just been allowed back into the fold of Labour, a few months ago following a 12 month investigation by police into his euro travel expenses.


People go to great lengths to have a go and slag off people that fiddle the social, quite rightly so but, also remember the MP's are well paid even without fiddling.

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So glad you brought this up, what with the Tory party being such paragons of virtue, and of course all its members now and past, are beyond reproach.


In respect of McShane he has only just been allowed back into the fold of Labour, a few months ago following a 12 month investigation by police into his euro travel expenses.


People go to great lengths to have a go and slag off people that fiddle the social, quite rightly so but, also remember the MP's are well paid even without fiddling.


If you can name any Tories or lib dems or any other party who has done what mcshane has done I'll happily run them down as well. Literally if they happen to be in road whilst I'm driving.


The mistake youre making is the assumption that it's a party political thing. For a minority it is, it's an easy target after all. For the majority it's a right and wrong thing. We're all just trying to make a living but this well paid mp felt the need to lighten the public purse further to feather his own nest. Why the police aren't making more of this I don't know.

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You need to check you keyboard mate. The paragraph you obviously typed denouncing this man as the fraud he is, is missing.


Unless you think what he did is ok cause he's in your gang.


You may remember Mecky's description of Eric Joyce MP as a "top bloke" some months ago just after Joyce had got drunk in the Commons bar and attacked at least 3 MPs, one of them Labour. Joyce already had a conviction for drink-driving from 2010. Not long afterwards Joyce was kicked out of the Labour Party.


That's what's wrong with the scum that infests the Labour Party. The MPs are corrupt and the lowly membership backs them to the hilt. It was actually the BNP that triggered the investigation into MacShane but the Labour Party seems to be unashamed at the fact that the BNP seems to have higher moral values. Lower than fascism is the people's party.


No doubt Labour will be raising the issue on the doorstep at the Police Commissioner elections over the weekend.

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