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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Is everyone as fed up with this moron as much as me?

Every time you pick up a newspaper or watch the news,you get the fact that he is up for deportation but his 'human rights' are being violated.

Why don't the powers that be just send him a one way ticket to [********] forthwith.

The fact that he rants about killing all the British 'infidels'should be enough to get him out as in my eyes that is treason.

If he does hate this country and its citizens as much as he says,why doesn't he go home under his own steam.Oh I forgot,he wont get ££££s of benefits and a free house for his [******] brood in his homeland.


P.S mods,I hope this is accepable as free speech!


Mod: The language isn't acceptable!

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what annoys me is that he gets legal aid i always thought it was for genuine cases ?


i was born here yet i cant get legal aid to fight my case yet we give legal aid to someone who would be happy to have us all blown up

crazy world:loopy:

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It's all sensationalism...


When comment is needed by the tabloids/media from the muslim community, abu hamza is hounded out and then as expected he goes off ranting and raving like the loony he is....



Giving the impression that he represents all muslims in the UK.


He doesn't speak for the muslim community.



The majority of muslims are law abiding and hard working citizens who do not share his views....






This space for rent

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Originally posted by pinlock

It's all sensationalism...


When comment is needed by the tabloids/media from the muslim community, abu hamza is hounded out and then as expected he goes off ranting and raving like the loony he is....



Giving the impression that he represents all muslims in the UK.


He doesn't speak for the muslim community.



The majority of muslims are law abiding and hard working citizens who do not share his views....






This space for rent



Thats all well and good, but under cover filmings have shown that he does more than "rant and rave like a loony". He preaches, to hundreds of muslims (yes, it might be a minority of muslims that share his views but enough still do to cause a lot of agony), and has been recorded telling muslims to kill people in their own country. When one of the brainwashed products of his loony "rants" ends up killing or maiming someone you know, come back here and tell everyone how sensationalist it all is.

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Originally posted by pinlock

Don't you mean "it might be a majority of muslims that don't share his views??"


No, I meant "it might be a minority of muslims that share his views " and have promptly edited.

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Originally posted by uncleheed

Why don't the powers that be just send him a one way ticket to [*********] forthwith.


About a year ago, The Sun newspaper bought him a one way ticket back to his homeland - needless to say the loser is still here.

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Originally posted by dinp

About a year ago, The Sun newspaper bought him a one way ticket back to his homeland - needless to say the loser is still here.


i think its us who are the losers as he is obviously taking this country to the cleaners. wants us all killed, but quite happy to parasite off the country he hates. cant think of any other country which would put up with this, however, this is supposed to be a plus point for Britain according to some. no, i can't figure that one out either.

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Originally posted by Killian

i think its us who are the losers as he is obviously taking this country to the cleaners. wants us all killed, but quite happy to parasite off the country he hates. cant think of any other country which would put up with this, however, this is supposed to be a plus point for Britain according to some. no, i can't figure that one out either.


We personally aren't losers, its the immigration system which Tony Blair today has pledged to fully reform. According to the news, it'll be another year at the earliest before he can be deported.


I'm surprised M15 agents aren't attending his rants... or maybe they are ;) Maybe he's a valuable asset to them, who knows??

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