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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Hamza is to serve half of his seven year sentence, Did he spend any time on remand for this? As that'll get docked from his time. I can see him having a bit of fun and games at the hands of some of the cons.


Picture the scene:


Big Bob: "Hamza, pick up the soap!"


Abu Hamza: "Sorry, no can do. It's me hand/claw type affair - means I can't grasp it properly."


Big Bob: "Alright, keep look out while I assault another new guy in the showers."


Abu Hamza: "Sorry, no can do again I'm afraid. It's me gammy eye. I'm partially sighted me and I'll not be able to see a screw coming."


Big Bob: "Oh FFS! Forget it!"

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Don't be so daft. :nono:


We don't have Sharia law, and we never will. That's what seperates us (in our eyes) to some countries where there is no freedom or justice or concern for human rights.


I thought by putting a laughing face in I made it obvious that it was a joke, but the next time I'll actually write the words 'thats a joke' to save any further wear and tear on soap boxes. That's a joke.

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They could always give him a cell with no windows, and tell him that east is in the other direction.


That should be worth a few years of laughs for the screws and other inmates.


Then tell him about it on his release.



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Hamza is in the UK still because he's too valuable a piece in the whole West v's East media circus, got to stoke the fire with something and this guys perfect it works a treat just look at this thread - how about if Griffin had been prosecuted for inciting brutal attacks on asian, what then? an outcry for the right to speak freely. freedom of speech only works if you let people say what they like even if you despise their views. double standards


Griffin was abusive about Asians without specifically saying people should attack them, and he should have been nicked for it, but I doubt the jury was rigged or anything. Hamza is on tape urging Muslims to poison, bomb, shoot and stab non Muslims. It's a bit stronger. Especially in the wake of July 7.


I don't think Hamza takes his orders from the Western media either.

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When one of the brainwashed products of his loony "rants" ends up killing or maiming someone you know, come back here and tell everyone how sensationalist it all is.


Maybe not in the same league as killing but Maggie Thatcher certainly fooked a fair few people over in her time! Good old Conservatives hey.

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Considering that there was an extradition request by the USA that was turned down, it was very unlikely that that this prosecution would fail.



The extradition request from the USA was not, technically speaking, turned down. Abu Hamza was arrested and charged with alleged offences that occurred in the UK. As such, UK law took precedence. He has now been tried, found guilty and sentenced. The USA request for extradition still remains in force. It is highly unlikely that the USA will drop their request for extradition.


Indeed, I suspect that his conviction in the UK will add strength to the application to extradite him. Once Abu Hamza has served his prison sentence in the UK, the USA will still be waiting to put him on trial.

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The extradition request from the USA was not, technically speaking, turned down. Abu Hamza was arrested and charged with alleged offences that occurred in the UK. As such, UK law took precedence. He has now been tried, found guilty and sentenced. The USA request for extradition still remains in force. It is highly unlikely that the USA will drop their request for extradition.


Indeed, I suspect that his conviction in the UK will add strength to the application to extradite him. Once Abu Hamza has served his prison sentence in the UK, the USA will still be waiting to put him on trial.


I actually agree with you..... Maybe it might just make future terrorist figures think again.... at least we process our law in a civilized and dignified way but I do think Griffin got off lightly only cos they couldn't prove the word "kill" or "hate" which Hamza was stupid enough to use. Far as I'm concerned Griffin still needs a bit of time away from us all to reflect.

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