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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Not quite true.


We may not have 'sharia' in our statutes, but within Islamic communities in the UK there is opportunity to submit to Sharia settlement of disputes and "offences".

We still don't have Sharia law regardless of what people choose to do behind closed doors.

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Hamza is in the UK still because he's too valuable a piece in the whole West v's East media circus, got to stoke the fire with something and this guys perfect it works a treat just look at this thread - how about if Griffin had been prosecuted for inciting brutal attacks on asian, what then? an outcry for the right to speak freely. freedom of speech only works if you let people say what they like even if you despise their views. double standards

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This is great news. I doubt that the appeal court will overturn this, they may even add a few years on.


I hope he's shipped of to the USA for another trial, would save us the trouble of keeping him in jail too.


Plus the drug dealing joker who dressed as a suicide bomber is dragged back to jail, what a good day.



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