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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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BBC reporting both aircraft landed in America,maybe his family might like join him on the same deal. American reporters are saying 1-3 years of trials as he is expected to plead not guilty M'lud.


You dont seriously think he will be found not guilty in the states do you ?

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I gather part of the extradition deal forbids the death penalty for him ...shame he looks like facing quite a few years in jail before he meets his 72 virgins ,unless of course the Americans place him in the general population.


Ooooooh, please let them do that.

They could make a reality show and call it "Hook line and kicked to death by fellow inmates"

Not a very catchy names for a show i know but the ratings would be through the roof.

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Ooooooh, please let them do that.

They could make a reality show and call it "Hook line and kicked to death by fellow inmates"

Not a very catchy names for a show i know but the ratings would be through the roof.



Has he been convicted yet? Or is it your lil ol moment of madness?

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