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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Why was someone like Abu Hamza allowed in the UK in the first place? By the sounds of him he seems like a person that any country would reject as persona non grata


The US didn’t reject him, they like him that much that they have spent the past decade trying to get him to visit, I hope they gave him a good reception and suitable accommodation.

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Why was someone like Abu Hamza allowed in the UK in the first place? By the sounds of him he seems like a person that any country would reject as persona non grata


The vast majority of English people think this way too. Unfortunately England seems to be in the grip of the "Do gooders" who have nonsensical views.

Sheffield unfortunately has officially become a "city of sanctuary" which means that we take international misfits under our wing. The vast majority of people do not want the people who come here, but we get them stuffed down out throats whether we like it or not.

They take our housing, live off our taxes and lower our quality of life.

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The vast majority of English people think this way too. Unfortunately England seems to be in the grip of the "Do gooders" who have nonsensical views.

Sheffield unfortunately has officially become a "city of sanctuary" which means that we take international misfits under our wing. The vast majority of people do not want the people who come here, but we get them stuffed down out throats whether we like it or not.

They take our housing, live off our taxes and lower our quality of life.

Sadly, the Sheffield voters have consistently empowered lefty/liberal councillors, and that's the result.
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Why was someone like Abu Hamza allowed in the UK in the first place? By the sounds of him he seems like a person that any country would reject as persona non grata

Because they didn't take him seriously, they thought he was just a nuisance but he's more than that, he has strong links to muslim leaders

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The vast majority of English people think this way too. Unfortunately England seems to be in the grip of the "Do gooders" who have nonsensical views.

Sheffield unfortunately has officially become a "city of sanctuary" which means that we take international misfits under our wing. The vast majority of people do not want the people who come here, but we get them stuffed down out throats whether we like it or not.

They take our housing, live off our taxes and lower our quality of life.



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