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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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I see that Abu Hamza refused to stand whilst being sentenced. The judge should have charged him with contempt of court and banged him up until he apologized. If he failed to do this the judge should have added more time to his sentence. This dipstick has obviously got no respect for the British legal system. I hope that the Americans do get their hands on him when he's released.

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Lord Chaverly et al ,


I'm almost sure that most Islamic people don't " wipe " their bums ; I haven't had a lot of personal experience concerning this , you understand ; I mean I haven't done any surveys or anything .

However , I'm sure that most Muslims wash their bottoms with their left hand. So , the real question is , " How does he manipulate the water spray [ what else ?] to direct it to the vital part ? "

I mean , if he didn't get the knack , it could lead to some hilarious results , rather like an old Laurel and Hardy film .

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Hamza has failed to turn up in court because his toenails were 'too long' and he claimed he is unable to walk.


Is this an acceptable excuse?


A video link was offered but Hamaz refused to leave his sell.


IMO he should have been carried or had his toenails clipped.



have you tried to cut your toenails with a hook, and a glass eye, dont think he could bight them, since he got teeth like a wild yak.

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This particular conspiracy theory has been floating around for some time now and is absurd as it is bizarre. There is considerable evidence that most Western governments (with the possible exception of France) underestimated the potential threat from Al Quaida prior to 9/11. This is for example well documented in the case of the US (read Richard Clarke's book on the subject). The question is, why did they underestimate it?


In America's case, the evidence points to there being a paradigm lag in threat perceptions. The Bush administration for example was stacked with old cold war warriors who had not woken up to the fact that we were living in a post cold war world. An insight into this is provided by Clarke, who asked for a meeting with Condoleeza Rice to discuss the threat posed by Al Quaida. According to his account of the interview, Rice didn't seem to understand what he was talking about. The threat simply didn't register in the mind of a woman whose whole career had been built upon cold war premises. Its the old story of generals always preparing for the last battle. The **** up theory of history is usually more plausible, and usually has a lot more substance, than conspiracy theories


Its also true that numerous ex intelligence officers have claimed that there has always been political interference in their work, often being told to halt investigations etc.


('Condy' ? lol, wasn't she on record back in 98 along with Colin 'I've got anthrax in my hand' Powell as saying that Iraq was no threat and the Saddam was under control ? Ofcourse that was before he started selling oil in Euro's.)


The build up to the recent war in Iraq kind of highlighted the political interference in 'intelligence gathering' opertions.


I totally agree that the intelligence mindset was very much cold war related, aswell as the ethos of using technology rather than actual people on the ground.


Ofcourse the cockup theory is always a good option, but still makes you wonder. Coming to think of it, I never saw the idiots like Al-Muhajiroon before Abu Hamza 'graced' these shores.

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  • 8 months later...
Race hate preacher Abu Hamza secretly bought a house for £220,000 cash while in prison.


At the same time the Islamist extremist was running up a legal aid bill which cost the taxpayer £250,000.


An Evening Standard investigation reveals that the four-bedroom semi in Greenford was until last week rented out to Polish labourers.


Hamza's family live at the taxpayer's expense in a £600,000, five-bedroom council house in Shepherd's Bush. His wife Najat Chaffe and up to eight children claim a reported £680 a week in benefits.


Hamza's new house in Hicks Avenue was bought, according to Land Registry documents obtained by the Evening Standard, in October 2004.


The purchase of the house was uncovered by investigators working for the Legal Services Commission (LSC), the government body in charge of Britain's £2billion legal aid budget.



Horror story taken From Here :mad:

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