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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Nice work if you can get it.




It would be interesting to do a cost-benefit analysis of Hamza's presence in the UK since he first entered the country. Something tells me that the two sides of the account would be somewhat out of balance

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Nice work if you can get it.




It would be interesting to do a cost-benefit analysis of Hamza's presence in the UK since he first entered the country. Something tells me that the two sides of the account would be somewhat out of balance




Never mind, with a bit of luck he will be extradited to America after his prison sentence here and we should then, all being well, be shut of this hypocrital parasite forever

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You mean the evil ******* hasn't ripped his bowels out scratching his arse yet? :(



No, but it would be a real shame if he did. Though knowing how soft they treat criminals here, there is somebody in jail to do that

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Let him out on weekend release to work at his old job.

He was a bouncer in a Soho strip club.

They could use him as a double act.

The bouncer on the door, later he could take part in a 'Sheik of Araby' act with one of the girls.

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Nice work if you can get it.




It would be interesting to do a cost-benefit analysis of Hamza's presence in the UK since he first entered the country. Something tells me that the two sides of the account would be somewhat out of balance


It's just a shame that worthless vermin receive such a high profile but yet those they defend at our expense only seem to make tabloid news. Poor Hamza. The sooner Legal Aid is abolished the better. Perhaps then, and only then will Lawyers realise that justice isn't just about money but about JUSTICE. At the moment, the Legal system is only available to the very poorest or very richest in society. The entire system needs a massive overhaul. It exists, in its current state, as it has done for centuries, for the sole purpose of self preservation, greed and more greed. Enough is enough.

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