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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Good points but no one would want him. The plane would not be allowed to disembark or anything. I would like to see the Home Secretary having the final word when it comes to extremists and other non British undesirables.


I'm thinking a rowing boat in the middle of the Atlantic, without the oars.

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Mj. Were you a student in Tasmania that married a local and decided to take up residence there, but refused? If so shouldn't your gripe be with the Tasmanian authorities?


No, but if I was I wouldn't stand around Tazmanian streets preaching to others to hate and kill other Tazmanians. :)

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Whether or not you approve of Abu Hamza it's because of cases like this that we are kept safe from our own government. Looked at from a purely judicial perspective every time a case like this goes on the statute books it strengthens all British citizens' constitutional rights not to have our citizenship revoked or passports removed. Once you make a judgement that it's OK to strip someone of their nationality it's a slippery slope from which it's impossible to recover.

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I originally thought fair enough hes british, he needs a nationality. I dont understand why he wants to be british but he can't be nothing.


However apparantly he is an egyptian so this doesn't apply!


so I don't know why they didn't revoke his british passport a long time ago.

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I originally thought fair enough hes british, he needs a nationality. I dont understand why he wants to be british but he can't be nothing.


However apparantly he is an egyptian so this doesn't apply!


so I don't know why they didn't revoke his british passport a long time ago.


It's because we have strict laws in this country concerning under what circumstances your passport can or cannot be taken off you. There are no exceptions to these laws so if Abu Hamzar's case doesn't fulfil the requirements for removal of a passport then it cannot be removed. Once we start applying the law differently for individuals then we are all at risk.


PS Following space left for people to accuse me of supporting Abu Hamzar.








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Whether or not you approve of Abu Hamza it's because of cases like this that we are kept safe from our own government. Looked at from a purely judicial perspective every time a case like this goes on the statute books it strengthens all British citizens' constitutional rights not to have our citizenship revoked or passports removed. Once you make a judgement that it's OK to strip someone of their nationality it's a slippery slope from which it's impossible to recover.


The only people that should have an absolute right to a British passport are people born here. For anybody else, it should be a privilage, and a privilage that can be withdrawn at that.


I worry more about nutters like Hamza being galvanised by decisions like this, than I would about the government had they won.

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