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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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This country made a joke of, again.


Egyptian born vile nutjob preacher of hate and violence Abu Hamza has won his right to keep his British passport, which after coming here on a Student Visa, he only gained through Marriage. He's about as British as I am Tazmanian.


When will this country wake up and stand up for itself, force these people onto a plane in cuffs then eject them off the plane onto the tarmac at the other end, regardless of where they come from.


Hamza was jailed for 7 years in 2006 for inciting murder and racial hatred. Do we want this kind of foreigner in our country? The Special Immigration and Appeals Commission want their heads testing, or better still disbanding and allow the elected Home Secretary to decide, at least then we can hold them to account.








mj are you serious about this part?


You would give the Home Secretary the right to decide who is deported and who isn't?

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mj are you serious about this part?


You would give the Home Secretary the right to decide who is deported and who isn't?


Absolutely. They should be elected to hold such responsibility. And they can be held accountable at the ballot box if large proportions of the public disagree with their decision. How are siac accountable? They're not.


Our elected representatives make decisions about whether to take us to war or not, so why not allow them to decide about individual people?

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Absolutely. They should be elected to hold such responsibility. And they can be held accountable at the ballot box if large proportions of the public disagree with their decision. How are siac accountable? They're not.


Our elected representatives make decisions about whether to take us to war or not, so why not allow them to decide about individual people?


Would you not worry about decisions like that being taken on the basis of one persons opinion over whether someone should be deported or not rather than the law?


Potentially that one person might have a political bias, eg, large numbers of people deported in the year before an election?

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Yep, the human rights of one imported loon are being put above the rights of the entire nation.


No, the human rights of one British passport holder are exactly the same as the human rights of all British passport holders. Whether he should have been given one in the first place is moot.

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Would you not worry about decisions like that being taken on the basis of one persons opinion over whether someone should be deported or not rather than the law?


Potentially that one person might have a political bias, eg, large numbers of people deported in the year before an election?


It would not worry me in the slightest. The Home Secretary is privy to sensitive national security information that the rest of us are not, so how would they not be capable at looking into immigration and asylum cases? I think the Home Secretary should be trusted to look at the available evidence and the arguments for and against and make a decision, that's what they're paid to do and what they're elected for.

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It would not worry me in the slightest. The Home Secretary is privy to sensitive national security information that the rest of us are not, so how would they not be capable at looking into immigration and asylum cases? I think the Home Secretary should be trusted to look at the available evidence and the arguments for and against and make a decision, that's what they're paid to do and what they're elected for.


He can't make all the decisions, he wouldn't have enough time.

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This country made a joke of, again.


Egyptian born vile nutjob preacher of hate and violence Abu Hamza has won his right to keep his British passport, which after coming here on a Student Visa,




You've got to laugh haven't you, or we'd end up crying.

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