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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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So you would ban anyone from being naturalised through marriage? or allow naturalisation through marriage but decide 30 years later to take that away and make them stateless because he has made statements not so different from those the likes of the BNP or yourself are making?
I would appreciate it if you would avoid comparing my views to those of the BNP.

I do not condone the current system for citizenship. To be a UK citizen, I believe people should be born here and have parents who were born here.

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Forgive me if the word of an Egyptian law expert and a British court carries more weight with me than some bloke on the internet.


You are forgiven. But lets look at the facts.


FACT - Hamza got British citizenship without recieving permision from Egypt

FACT - Despite this he applied for retrospective permission and was granted it.

FACT - All decisions regarding granting dual nationality or stipping Egyptian citizenship must be published in the offical gazette.

FACT - The only publiclly gazzetted decision regarding abu hamza's citizenship was on 8 June 1988 which confirmed he was granted dual nationality

FACT - No official gazetted decision has stripped Hamza of his Egyptian nationality.


So the conclusion of the court relys entirely on the premise that Hamza had become a tedious turd since the 1988 decision (at which point egypts only beef with him was that he was a draft dodger) and the egyptians would be mad not to want rid of him but not want the publicity associated with publishing the fact so they illegally stripped him of citizenship.


My conclusion is that even if they had sought to do so(which other than surmising they probably would have and an unsourced newspaper article no actual proof has been provided), as it breaks their own law, it is illegal and thus not valid so he remains an Egyptian citizen.

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Whether or not you approve of Abu Hamza it's because of cases like this that we are kept safe from our own government. Looked at from a purely judicial perspective every time a case like this goes on the statute books it strengthens all British citizens' constitutional rights not to have our citizenship revoked or passports removed. Once you make a judgement that it's OK to strip someone of their nationality it's a slippery slope from which it's impossible to recover.

exactly, no matter who wangles the system it doesnt mean you can pick and choose who you keep, who you can ditch etc

thing is he gained a uk passport one way or another, you cant just change yer mind halfway

it would indeed be a slippery slope

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I would appreciate it if you would avoid comparing my views to those of the BNP.

I do not condone the current system for citizenship. To be a UK citizen, I believe people should be born here and have parents who were born here.


I am sorry if you are offended with the comparison, the BNP do seem to be too lefty liberal for you on immigration.

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I would appreciate it if you would avoid comparing my views to those of the BNP.

I do not condone the current system for citizenship. To be a UK citizen, I believe people should be born here and have parents who were born here.


You are wasting your time Conrod, Wildcat is the perenial forum do-gooder who thinks everything is done by the book and the law is right no matter what. I'm sure if a terrorist bomb blew his legs off he'd be quite happy to wheel himself to the computer to carry on defending the fact that they didn't mean to hurt him and have a right to express themselves :loopy:

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You are forgiven. But lets look at the facts.


FACT - Hamza got British citizenship without recieving permision from Egypt

FACT - Despite this he applied for retrospective permission and was granted it.

FACT - All decisions regarding granting dual nationality or stipping Egyptian citizenship must be published in the offical gazette.

FACT - The only publiclly gazzetted decision regarding abu hamza's citizenship was on 8 June 1988 which confirmed he was granted dual nationality

FACT - No official gazetted decision has stripped Hamza of his Egyptian nationality.


So the conclusion of the court relys entirely on the premise that Hamza had become a tedious turd since the 1988 decision (at which point egypts only beef with him was that he was a draft dodger) and the egyptians would be mad not to want rid of him but not want the publicity associated with publishing the fact so they illegally stripped him of citizenship.


My conclusion is that even if they had sought to do so(which other than surmising they probably would have and an unsourced newspaper article no actual proof has been provided), as it breaks their own law, it is illegal and thus not valid so he remains an Egyptian citizen.


He was refused an Egyptian passport in 1982 because he dodged the draft, that is a clear de facto denial of citizenship dating back nearly 30 years.


Re your first point the fact he got British Citizenship without first notifying the Egyptian authorities is further reason to support the fact he has no egyptian citizenship because the punishment for doing that is to revoke their citizenship.

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