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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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I don't suppose they would see it clearly, or acknowledge it if they did, but surely in their heart of hearts the liberal left must realise that it was a dreadful mistake to get rid of the death penalty when it leaves us with creatures like this to look after for life.

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I don't suppose they would see it clearly, or acknowledge it if they did, but surely in their heart of hearts the liberal left must realise that it was a dreadful mistake to get rid of the death penalty when it leaves us with creatures like this to look after for life.


The liberal left have so effectively pushed the boundaries of what is considered racist to a point they are desperate not to be seen as such under their own criteria. They have built their own prison as so to speak, now they have no room to move other then defending the indefensible.

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Abu Hamza IS the joke.

He dosn't speak for the Muslim majority, there was no uprising when he got banged up, and he hasn't become any kind of martyr symbol.

His mad rantings only impress a small idiotic minority.

There is a danger that one of these misfits might carry out some of his ramblings (they would follow any radical) but we shouldn't afford him more importance than the laughing stock that he is.


Regards the law.... It has more holes than Swiss cheese, fancy tongue twisting by smart legal types can set precedents that turn it into a shadow of what it aught to be...the law has lost an awful lot of credibility.

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Two sons and a stepson jailed for car theft, and a younger son jailed for burglary.


Oh how fortunate we are as a nation to have embraced immigration over the last few decades.

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I too wondered why we didn't execute people like him - but the last thing we had a death sentence for was scrapped a few years ago... Shame!


I didn't mention anything about executing him - but keeping him quietly locked up for a VERY long time seems eminantly reasonable :)

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The liberal left have so effectively pushed the boundaries of what is considered racist to a point they are desperate not to be seen as such under their own criteria. They have built their own prison as so to speak, now they have no room to move other then defending the indefensible.


Ah so, you're proud to be a nazi?

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This country made a joke of, again.


Egyptian born vile nutjob preacher of hate and violence Abu Hamza has won his right to keep his British passport, which after coming here on a Student Visa, he only gained through Marriage. He's about as British as I am Tazmanian.


When will this country wake up and stand up for itself, force these people onto a plane in cuffs then eject them off the plane onto the tarmac at the other end, regardless of where they come from.


Hamza was jailed for 7 years in 2006 for inciting murder and racial hatred. Do we want this kind of foreigner in our country? The Special Immigration and Appeals Commission want their heads testing, or better still disbanding and allow the elected Home Secretary to decide, at least then we can hold them to account.





I'm with you. I'd chop his <REMOVED> head off. And any one who has sympathies with his idiology well I'd do for them as well. Give me a trigger and I'll pull it.

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