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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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How can it be anything but good news?
I'll give PT the benefit of the doubt...


It's a "double" good news, in that AH is probably getting his comeuppance, and in that it's a green light to start charterising genuine undesirables to Gitmo with less apologist interference.


I can also see, however, how it could turn into a (- bit of) bad news, in that instances of abuse of process (particularly given the US-biased extradition procedures) are likely to increase...and it's a damn side harder getting innocents out of Gitmo once they're there, than to stop them getting there in the 1st place.

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He's a Muslim. She won't condemn him or his actions as it's in the name of their shared god. You're not allowed to challenge it though as you will be labelled racist and likely banned.
I'm rather hoping that's not the case and that there is a good reason to offer the 'no'.


No matter how brainwashed people are by their religion, I would dearly hope that somebody born of British stock would appreciate the threat Hamza was to fellow Brits.


If, that is, fellow Brits are afforded more sympathies and loyalty than the extremist brother/sister Muslims who seek to kill us or turn our nation into an Islamic state.

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