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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Thought I'd pop this back up to the top.


Abu Hamza US extradition backed by European Court


The European Court of Human Rights has backed the extradition of Abu Hamza and four other terror suspects from the UK to the US.


The Strasbourg court held there would be no violation of human rights for those facing life and solitary confinement in a "supermax" prison.

Is this good news?


Of course it's good news. We finally get rid of the little turd and the ECHR has for once made a sensible decision. Getting sent to ADX Florence is not going to breach anyones human rights. The only reason anyone gets sent their is they are too dangerous for the normal prison system. It's very expensive to run and it is not a "throw away the key" sort of place, inmates who take advantage of rehabilitation and show they are no longer a danger to fellow inmates can and do get moved out of the supermax section into general population at Florence and from their into the normal Federal prison system. Those who stay in ADX for the rest of their lives do so because they're still too dangerous for general population, that's their choice.

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