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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Don't you think what this piece of trash advocated was deeply inhumane?

The likes of hime cared nought for others human rights.


Why are you more concerned about this scums treatment when he advocated death and destruction that not only affected individuals but families etc?


As I said earlier, why should we stoop to acting like inhumane scum just because someone else did so? Since when did two wrongs make a right?

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Why are you more concerned about this scums treatment when he advocated death and destruction that not only affected individuals but families etc?


He's probably not specifically concerned about Hamza, more the notion of indefinite solitary confinement for anyone. The principle is we're supposed to be better than the 'scum' as you put it.. then if that's the case shouldn't we endeavour to not sink to their level?


On a personal level I couldn't begin to imagine the horror of permanent solitary with no chance ever of parole, I think I'd rather be executed.


It depends really on how it's done I guess.. if there's opportunity of mental stimulation rather than just 4 walls 24/7 I suppose then that could be considered acceptable. I think in the case of the ADX prison being considered here, then while prisoners are in effective solitary confinement they do get TV/Books etc. Which is why the ECHR probably decided it was ok for extradition to go ahead.

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We have to be careful we don't make martyrs out of people like Abu Hamza.The suggestion's that he should be executed are ridiculous. Such remarks only attract more followers, and some of these young terrorist supporters have been brainwashed, even members of their families don't recognise them.


this is a very important reason for not allowing him to be put to death. youi are right in your comment that it could very easily cause another tide of such idiots to rise up in his place to "avenge" him.

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Yes. Keeping anyone in solitary confinement for extended periods is deeply inhumane.
And I suppose, as you you seem to think we're all equal, that you think his rights are as important as anybody else's?
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this is a very important reason for not allowing him to be put to death. youi are right in your comment that it could very easily cause another tide of such idiots to rise up in his place to "avenge" him.


True, but surely if you leave him with a cell mate and general population he could and would pervert more minds and preach more hate to already bad people who could be on the outside again. Solitary confinement would stop that happening.

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An excellent depiction of the effects of solitary confinement may be found in the book, A Tale of Two Cities.

M. Mannette has been confined in The Bastille for many years in solitary.

His mind is dead and lost.

Dickens would know about this kind of thing first hand, as he was a great reformer of conditions, and must have seen many people like this over his time, so I would trust his fictional evidence.


Our problem is this, do we want to destroy Hamza, or reform him?

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Yes. Keeping anyone in solitary confinement for extended periods is deeply inhumane.
so when did you write to the home office concerning Charles bronson, ? he has been kept in solitary in a cage for many years but i hear no one screaming for his civil rights
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In all seriousness I'm not for him to be in solitary confinement for life. If he's locked up that's enough punishment. We might as well bring back the death penalty as keep people in solitary for life... Criminals are sent to prison as a punishment. Not to be punished when they're there....

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so when did you write to the home office concerning Charles bronson, ? he has been kept in solitary in a cage for many years but i hear no one screaming for his civil rights


His case is different. He's a danger to the general population in prison. They have the right to be kept in a safe environment. If he altered his behaviour he could mix, its up to him..

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