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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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If criminals in prison were any good these days they'd have broken his legs long ago.

Toenails would then not be an issue as he would have his own state funded wheelcahair.


I feel he's slipped up not having chiropody as it's a FREE service to con's.


Only us daft workers have to pay for it!

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Originally posted by Lickszz

Hamza has failed to turn up in court because his toenails were 'too long' and he claimed he is unable to walk.





What's wrong with chucking him in a wheelie bin and wheeling him round there?

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Originally posted by uncleheed

Is everyone as fed up with this moron as much as me?

Every time you pick up a newspaper or watch the news,you get the fact that he is up for deportation but his 'human rights' are being violated.

Why don't the powers that be just send him a one way ticket to [********] forthwith.

The fact that he rants about killing all the British 'infidels'should be enough to get him out as in my eyes that is treason.

If he does hate this country and its citizens as much as he says,why doesn't he go home under his own steam.Oh I forgot,he wont get ££££s of benefits and a free house for his [******] brood in his homeland.


P.S mods,I hope this is accepable as free speech!


Mod: The language isn't acceptable!


don't get me started on this one,i don't want banning again,i'd better keep my trap shut:|

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What an utter w*nker this man is , claims the dole with one hand and aims a rifle with the other.


Pure evil.


This turd should have been banged up ages ago, but thanks to PC world t*ssers like him managed to rant and rave , telling young british muslims to turn on there fellow country men and kill them in the name of Islam.


Utter A hole


Hope the Yanks get him, because hes gonna have a bad time of it in an american prison.


They dont ***** about over there.

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Originally posted by jonsastar

What an utter w*nker this man is , claims the dole with one hand and aims a rifle with the other.



Magic jonsastar:thumbsup:


Poor bugger must have been born with three hands.:hihi:

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Originally posted by owdlad

Nice one Markham :thumbsup: I always wonder how he goes on when he wipes his botty......I bet he's careful :gag:



how does he fast forward the video past the crap bits whilst having an ham shank.......:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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Originally posted by owdlad

Nice one Markham :thumbsup: I always wonder how he goes on when he wipes his botty......I bet he's careful :gag:


Shouldn't be a problem Owdlad. Apparently he craps through his mouth [wiping that is how he put his eye out], and speaks through his backside [that's why he is always seen speaking while stood up]

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