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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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People have been persecuted because of who they worship, or which church they worship at, or whether they believe wine really does turn into Jesus's blood when it's swalled or not.


I'd defend Freedom of Religion, and I'm atheist. People should be free to hold whatever beliefs they wish without others persecuting them.


And people have been persecuted by the religious for not believing what they wanted them to. So what?


If I express a personal belief on this forum people can tear it to bits if they want. But if a person expresses a religious belief then it is somehow expected to be treated with reverence. I do not think that is right... can you explain why it is?

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But if a person expresses a religious belief then it is somehow expected to be treated with reverence. I do not think that is right... can you explain why it is?

That isn't in their rights though. Freedom from ridicule doesn't exist, just the freedom to worship how they wish.


The way I see it is, that if I protect people from other religions persecuting them, then I also protect myself from being persecuted from all religions. Everyone should be free to worship how they wish, and I should be free to point and laugh at their beliefs.

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You know, that I actually admire. The guy stood by his beliefs "a little extremely I admit" rather than hid behind them.


It's the people that don't practice what they claim to be devoted to. You know, like Muslims who own Off-Licences or state they are of peace yet wish death on others. That sort of thing.

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You know, that I actually admire. The guy stood by his beliefs rather than hid behind them.


It's the people that don't practice what they claim to be devoted to. You know, like Muslims who own Off-Licences or state they are of peace yet wish death on others. That sort of thing.


But they are just not allowed to consume alcohol! This guy twisted it to be obnoxious!

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But they are just not allowed to consume alcohol! This guy twisted it to be obnoxious!


I agree but at least he was consistent with his beliefs. I have amended my post since your quote. I don't mind people having religious beliefs so long as they are prepared to keep them to themselves, if they don't keep it to themselves I am free to challenge or ridicule it and they at least stand by what they say. For instance if god says it is forbidden then it is forbidden, not making interpretations that suit their agenda. Have you noticed how their god always seems to dislike the same things they do?

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I agree but at least he was consistent with his beliefs. I have amended my post since your quote. I don't mind people having religious beliefs so long as they are prepared to keep them to themselves, if they don't keep it to themselves I am free to challenge or ridicule it and they at least stand by what they say. For instance if god says it is forbidden then it is forbidden, not making interpretations that suit their agenda.


He's not allowed to not be a Muslim either, therefore is he to refuse any non-Muslims?



Have you noticed how their god always seems to dislike the same things they do?


Yes, I have often thought Islam was devised to be the opposite to everybody else. Funny God that, does two religions which can get on, then does a third and changes everything just to be awkward! Did he it get it all wrong in the first place?

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