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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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The system in Afghanistan is not the same as the system in the UK. They use Afghani law, not British law.


I'm talking about our system. If information on a dangerous terrorist in Solihull is recieved it will be relayed to Special Branch and MI5 who will try to build a case to arrest and charge him. If a similarly dangerous terrorist is identified in Sangin it will be relayed to the British battlegroup who will then dispatch units to track and kill him. All under the same system of "human rights".

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Quite happy to leave it at that, but the fact remains that this coutry does not incarcerate people without due process of law. Bronson is a thug, who, if released, would soon commit further offences. Until he reforms and stops committing offences whilst in custody he should stay there.

Maybe if he were allowed the same human rights as Mr Hamza he would be out,he has been incarcerated since 1974, 38 years ,all bar 4 of those years he has spent in segregation i.e solitary..think about that.

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Maybe if he were allowed the same human rights as Mr Hamza he would be out,he has been incarcerated since 1974, 38 years ,all bar 4 of those years he has spent in segregation i.e solitary..think about that.


Cant you just explain rather than make us jump through hoops?

What is it you're trying to say? :)

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Horrrraaayyyy it is about time we got something right, send the buggers back send the buggers back they are threat to our country so send the buggers back. Good riddance to bad rubbish, let the United States deal with that scum bag rant over and breath. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rant: :rant: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Lets hope its the right decision we get right of many.


The time this country stopped being great was when we started looking out side of these Islands for answers. For hundreds of years we had the answers as well as dictated the questions, its time we started to look inwards once again for what WE think is right for US.

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Lets hope its the right decision we get right of many.


The time this country stopped being great was when we started looking out side of these Islands for answers. For hundreds of years we had the answers as well as dictated the questions, its time we started to look inwards once again for what WE think is right for US.


Yeah, but we aint the whipping boys any more.

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Yeah, but we aint the whipping boys any more.

Ha, a humorous reversion to the days of slavery...

How sad.


We were involved in that unfortunate time in history, just as many others have and still do, but the exception is that WE put a stop to it.


Now the fact that we were ONCE the whipping boys gives us a perfect vantage point to realize when WE are being whipped, wouldn't you say ?

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Bronson was brought up as a prisoner who has had his human right abused for the last 20 or so years yet no one seems bothered

The European Court has ruled that being locked up in solitary is not a breach, so Bronson's 'Right not to be locked up in solitary' doesn't exist.


Here's the problem, because all rights are universal. Locking people up in solitary is either bad, and thus neither Bronson nor Hamza should be locked up in solitary - or it is good, and thus there is no problem with locking Bronson or Hamza up in solitary.


You can't argue it is a punishment worthy of a terrorist, but for the average criminal it is against his rights. You can't pick and choose.

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The European Court has ruled that being locked up in solitary is not a breach, so Bronson's 'Right not to be locked up in solitary' doesn't exist.


Here's the problem, because all rights are universal. Locking people up in solitary is either bad, and thus neither Bronson nor Hamza should be locked up in solitary - or it is good, and thus there is no problem with locking Bronson or Hamza up in solitary.


You can't argue it is a punishment worthy of a terrorist, but for the average criminal it is against his rights. You can't pick and choose.

I didnt know that and Im very surprised at that ruling ,have you a link to its actual wording ?

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The best way to stop people offending is not always by giving them tough prison sentences. Watch "A Sense Of Freedom" about the life of Jimmy Boyle...


I have seen the film and once attended a talk he gave, an inspiring man. He is evidence that there should not be a "one size fits all " view of sentencing.


However Mr Hamza and Mr Bronson have not turned their back on crime and seem to revel in their notoriety. Until such time, as, like Mr Boyle, they show they have reformed they should stay incarcerated.

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