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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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We all should.


It's a message to Islamic extremists across Europe that they can't hide behind the human rights nonsense forever.


I agree. Except that I'd extend it to extremists and criminals of all religions, cultures and creeds.


I'm not fussy, you see.

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Was I hearing things on the news this morning. I thought they said that 'his' lawyers are going to try and bring a civil prosecution on him (Abu Hanza) in order to prolong his stay? :loopy:....I do hope he doesn't manage to wriggle out of being deported AGAIN!!!:rant:

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Will you be sleeping better tonight safe in the knowledge that he is on the way to the USA?


No. I'll be more worried about the (very small) chance I'll be caught up in the retribution protest that will be mounted now we've allowed a brave freedom fighter to be deported to the Great Satan. </sarcasm>


I mentioned it to my neighbour this morning, who attends the local mosque. His exact words were "About f***** time they did, I'm sick to death of that knobber making all us look bad."


No doubt some deluded twerp following his own distorted viewpoint of Islam will try and explode a bomb somewhere as a "protest". Meanwhile life goes on.

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Will you be sleeping better tonight safe in the knowledge that he is on the way to the USA?


i sense a touch of sarcasm to your comment would you prefer him to stay here and encourage more muslim extremists,


in my own opinion its about time the queen stepped in and honoured her oath to protect the common man from filth like this.

send him to Guantanamo

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Well if this Govt had anything about them they would have had it sorted and he should have been on first flight after they threw out his appeal, not giving him a chance of a civil appeal. For Gods sake it has taken about 10 years to finally get rid of him you would think they would have got him on the first plane possible.

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