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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Hopefully the first of many. We need to be tough on imported problems like this. Be more like the Aussies and throw them out as soon as they break any law.


We cant do anything about the home grown hate preachers, that is our responsibility to deal with, but importing them from foreign countries only to give them sanctuary and in the majority of cases, benefits, its beyond me.

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just seen the lunchtime news about this vile insects forthcoming trip to the USA, hope he enjoys camp hospitality about time!! also on the same newscast (BBC news) apparantly the queen expressed her concern about this individual to the last government!! in a (private) conversation, it looks like Frank Gardener repeated it live on the today programme earlier........and now the BBC has issued an appology?? no surprise there then liberal left trying to appaease, good for the queen i say saying what the rest of the country is saying

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Actually the ADX facilities are very clean, dry and modern...



Although personally I think I'd rather hang than spend an indeterminate sentence in there. :|


Now you have gone and ruined the perfect picture i had in my mind of old Hamza spending 24/7 in isolation in a rat infested cess pit .:mad:

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Will you be sleeping better tonight safe in the knowledge that he is on the way to the USA?


He should be dead anyway the hate preaching scumbag good riddance to him personally i think he should be pushed out of a plane fat 20000ft into the mid atlantic would serve him right.

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He should be dead anyway the hate preaching scumbag good riddance to him personally i think he should be pushed out of a plane fat 20000ft into the mid atlantic would serve him right.


I think we can be certain it will be a one way ticket ,and he will never return once the Yanks get hold of him.

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