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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Wouldn't it be nice to see him dumped in a rowing boat, 2 miles out from New York harbour. His rowing in ever-decreasing circles till he finally disappears up his own chufta would make a great screensaver don't you think? Sort of 'Loony Toony'.

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Ahh, I see you are one who feels happy that there are others like him still here then! :gag:


I think there are a lot of them. Hopefully the farsically long time this has dragged on will make those in charge look at our system so the next few thousand won't take so long.

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Just shove him on a plane and get shut, I am fed up of him taking the p*** out of us, he hates our country but quite happy to let the taxpayer look after him and his family. Successive governments have let the people of this country down by letting him and others keep appealing decisions to deport them.

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