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The Abu Hamza deportation thread

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Im sorry ,that dosnt wash im afraid. He came to this country ,abused our hospitality,claimed a vast amount of taxpayers money whilst encouraging fellow

fundamentalists to kill british citizens and commit acts of terror against the country which has given him refuse.


He is about to get everything he deserves ,and ive no sympathy for him what so ever.


Are you having a Abu's gone party Desmundo?

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You know sharia law ? in quran says ''tit for tat'' ... if someone hurt to you , you have the right to give him the same loss. for example if someone kill your son , you can kill him , it's your right , but also you can forgive , only you can decide it . and forgive in Quran great virtue . you can instead pay another way ...for example prison ... whatever if you doing theft , you're whipped or you are thrown in jail , if you do it again , your hand cut off ... this is sharia law ... and all humans are equal , muslims , christians , jews , atheist , all people are equal ...


You know the Fatih Sultan Mehmed Conqueror and Greek Architect story ?

That's part of problem though int it, extremists are taking the meaning of taking over the world and then allah has an identity

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That's part of problem though int it, extremists are taking the meaning of taking over the world and then allah has an identity


You'r right , extremism whole problem ... people can believe what religion they want ... it doesnt bother anyone ... I prefer a real christian or jews instead of a muslim that uses islam as a tools ...like abu hamza ...

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You'r right , extremism whole problem ... people can believe what religion they want ... it doesnt bother anyone ... I prefer a real christian or jews instead of a muslim that uses islam as a tools ...like abu hamza ...

Exactly and all the muslims know that apart from the few

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How do left wingers feel about all the years and years of social progress in this country being largely ignored by a certain section of our society, i.e Muslims?


Social progress isn't just about going out on a Friday, getting tanked up and expecting the woman you've vomited on to escort you home for a quick fumble you know?

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