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What are you watching on TV,anything worth watching lately?


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Anyone watching Parks & Recreation? Its shown on BBC4 but available online with Netflix and others.


I've been watching it. The current series on BBC4 has just finished but that was only series 2 and there are 5 (so far), so hopefully they won't need to wait ages before airing the next series.

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University Challenge, BBC2, Monday at 8pm. Format relatively unchanged for 50 years.


The reason I mention it is that in tomorrow's programme "the students from the University of Durham fight it out with Queens' College, Cambridge", and a young woman in the Queens' team is an ex-Silverdale pupil.

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Bought the first season of 'The Mentalist' ...


Six seasons' worth of episodes to go...

Actually, it was five seasons, with season 6 due at the end of September. It's a great show and I highly recommend it. Looking forward to the big Red John reveal, due some time before December!


I've just discovered Criminal Minds on Netflix, very late, as ever, thanks to a 'people who liked this also liked...' recommendation on IMDB's The Mentalist page. Very dark, well-written, gripping, but a bit clichéd and with a tendency to take itself a little too seriously. It's a thumbs-up, nonetheless, though its almost relentless misery might be too much for some (like the fabulous Mandy Patinkin, who apparently deserted the show after a couple of seasons).

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Actually, it was five seasons, with season 6 due at the end of September. It's a great show and I highly recommend it. Looking forward to the big Red John reveal, due some time before December!


I've just discovered Criminal Minds on Netflix, very late, as ever, thanks to a 'people who liked this also liked...' recommendation on IMDB's The Mentalist page. Very dark, well-written, gripping, but a bit clichéd and with a tendency to take itself a little too seriously. It's a thumbs-up, nonetheless, though its almost relentless misery might be too much for some (like the fabulous Mandy Patinkin, who apparently deserted the show after a couple of seasons).


Me and wife have seen every episode of Criminal Minds and every series made so far, totally brilliant and once Mandy (so far up his own bum) Patinkin leaves, you'll enjoy it even more.

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Me and wife have seen every episode of Criminal Minds and every series made so far, totally brilliant and once Mandy (so far up his own bum) Patinkin leaves, you'll enjoy it even more.

I doubt I'll enjoy it more, given that I like Mandy Patinkin and the character he plays, but it will be interesting to see how the series evolves; from what I can see while researching the series and, mostly, avoiding spoilers, there are quite a few cast changes in addition to that one.


What's allowed on TV seems to have changed a great deal too since 2005, so I'm wondering how that will impact upon the show's goriness. At the moment, season 1 is about at my comfort level, with the gore, for the most part, more implied than explicit.


I'm a fan of the 'psychological profiler/shades and suits' genre, so this programme is a win so far.

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If you like crime dramas the first episode of - What Remains I've just watched on BBC 1 was very good.

It was about the discovery of a decomposed women's body in an attic, sounds gruesome I know, but the mystery surrounding the woman, and the introduction of the suspicious neighbours kept me gripped.

Adding to that there was some good acting.

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