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Should we let Americans into a little secret?

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You're more likely to be shot and robbed than lose your house and valuables to a Hurricane for Christ's sake.


This is a statistical fact as I have some experience of this criminal activity,whereas a hurricane is an Act of God,and damage may beyond the limits of insurance.

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If no one does this why are there such businesses expanding everywhere.Such valuables as I own I keep indoors but I am not bothered by photos etc.I am glad you think global warming is irrelevant,but surely no-one is foolish enough to dismiss it

This sort of arrogance and dare I say ignorance cost Mr Mitt the election recently.


So according to your logic, if you have anything valuable, lock it away in a safe in a bank or wherever....I've never heard of anything so ridiculous...if you do that, then that's fine...but all the rest of us like to have such things in our homes, or at least I do!...But then again you'll say I'm weird!...hey ho!


Do you have to be quite so in insulting?...I'm not arrogant or ignorant...Thank you!


Posts have already been removed for this kind of comment...or is your aim to get it pulled entirely?

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So according to your logic, if you have anything valuable, lock it away in a safe in a bank or wherever....I've never heard of anything so ridiculous...if you do that, then that's fine...but all the rest of us like to have such things in our homes, or at least I do!...But then again you'll say I'm weird!...hey ho!


Do you have to be quite so in insulting?...I'm not arrogant or ignorant...Thank you!


Posts have already been removed for this kind of comment...or is your aim to get it pulled entirely?


What utter nonsense,never heard of anything so ridiculous ......are just two intemperate phrases which you have employed and then you accuse me of being insulting.it is quite laughable.I have also posted a series of factual comments,whereas all your comments are based on an opinion-subjective not objective.

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It looks like another lesson is needed;trees are renewable meaning wood is replaced.Bricks are fired from fossil fuels using clay,both finite in quantity.


I come from Sheffield lived in California for 15yrs and now Charlotte on the east coast. We grow alot of trees here something England destroyed a long time ago. We all know that most of the lumber today can be recycled into several products and that includes storm damaged wood framed homes. Earth quakes in California it's amazing how much a wood framed home can take and show no damage after, a solid brick home would be bad. Then we have tornados and as you said bricks would become missiles, but because it's brick out side and still wood framed the home gives more and becomes less of a danger. It's just cheaper here to frame, very cost effective.

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I have earthquake insurance on my home. There's a deductible of about 35,000 dollars on it however which is understandable since i live in a part of the country where quakes are commonplace.


Because of the high deductible not that many people bother buying quake insurance. They argue that most homes will only suffer damage that can be repaired for less than 35,000 dollars which they'll have to pay from their own pockets anyway so why bother paying the premium in the first place.


It's a valid argument but the way I see it is that if my home, now worth around 500,000 dollars were to be structurally damaged to the extent that I was ordered to have it completely demolished then I'd be covered for the approximately 465,000 dollars to rebuild it to it's former size and standard after paying the 35 K from my own pocket


Saving around 450 dollars a year on quake insurance premiums doesnt therefore seem to make a lot of sense if you consider what could be at stake


It was always rumored that the reason San Francisco burned so badly during the '06 quake was because no one had earthquake insurance...but almost everyone had fire insurance.


When my mother and I toured the White House and Capitol Hill, I was impressed with the gorgeous granite floors, and was told they were hewn from the Potomac. I do love brick buildings but I wouldn't want to be in one during an earthquake.

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I come from Sheffield lived in California for 15yrs and now Charlotte on the east coast. We grow alot of trees here something England destroyed a long time ago. We all know that most of the lumber today can be recycled into several products and that includes storm damaged wood framed homes. Earth quakes in California it's amazing how much a wood framed home can take and show no damage after, a solid brick home would be bad. Then we have tornados and as you said bricks would become missiles, but because it's brick out side and still wood framed the home gives more and becomes less of a danger. It's just cheaper here to frame, very cost effective.


There's enough lumber just in Oregon alone to build houses for a hundred years. Most of that State's economy is based on lumber and selling it to California and other States.


Many houses in California have red brick or rock face facades just to fancy up their exterior apppearances but in a sizeable quake that might suffer damage. On the other hand the stucco, wood and drywall that the house is primarily constructed of would be okay

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There's lot of terraced brick houses in Pennsylvania cities, especially Philadelphia. That carries on into Maryland.


Is there a State which doesn't have hurricanes, twisters, tornados, earthquakes whatever and has a temperate climate?:)

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