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Should we let Americans into a little secret?

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I totally agree!


I think the problem here is that some people seem to analyse his posts word for word, and don't 'get' the tongue in cheek style of posting he uses to 'encourage' more people to post.


He always responds to posts no matter how hostile they are towards him - unlike some who make the first post on a thread and then disappear.


How many people would continue to come up with threads time and again to keep us all entertained like he does?


Sure, we don't all agree with some of his ideas and thoughts, but that is the same for every poster on here. It's no excuse to be offensive towards him or anyone else!


It's interesting though that no matter how much some people appear to disagree with most of the posts that PeteMorris makes, they still can't manage to prevent themselves from posting on his threads.


That, in my opinion, is the sort of poster that keeps this forum alive. :thumbsup:


How Kind!...Thank you Mr B :thumbsup:

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Didn't realise this thread would generate so much controversy or passion.


I concede that maybe I don't , or rather didn't understand the geology of America (why would I), or the availability of materials to build with.


However, as a Brit, when I see images like this, I think you might agree my assumptions in regard to wood as opposed to brick or stone.

Of course images like these are troubling, how can they not be. But it also defines the quality of American life. Nobody else on earth pitches in to help each other as do Americans. That extends to others as well. Help by Americans to Haiti, following that terrible eathquake, far outdid what anyone else did. All I can say finally is that no matter what, we won't be building in brick any time soon, so the point is moot.
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childish squabbling deleted - really if you can't behave like adults then you will be treated like children and given some time on the naughty step.
I'm sorry but I don't see any squabbling here. PeteMorris is making a point from a British point of view, I'm replying from an American one, with more knowledge of our situation. We are not calling each other names, and it has been friendly as far as I know. The title "Should we let Americans into a little secret" was a bit off putting, but no harm done.
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They are quite common in PA. I used to do contract work in York PA, and there were streets full of long terraces. The ones in Philly make up part of the ghetto.You've lived in Fairfield County too long, Poppins, among all those mansions.:)


Yep quite a few mansions around my area, my house would fit nicely in one of their garages with lots of room left over :)

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I'm sorry but I don't see any squabbling here. PeteMorris is making a point from a British point of view, I'm replying from an American one, with more knowledge of our situation. We are not calling each other names, and it has been friendly as far as I know. The title "Should we let Americans into a little secret" was a bit off putting, but no harm done.


I don't think Mort was refering to your posts Buck. In fact I'm sure. But some posters on here made very insulting comments here, personally aimed at me. But hey ho, I've been in that boat before. It's nothing new to me, and I try hard to ignore them ...mostly!


See Mr Bloke's and Regatta's comment earlier! (posts 61 + 62)


I hold my hands up and plead guilty to the thread title, in that perhaps it was a little insensitive in light of the loss of life from 'Sandy'.

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Of course images like these are troubling, how can they not be. But it also defines the quality of American life. Nobody else on earth pitches in to help each other as do Americans. That extends to others as well. Help by Americans to Haiti, following that terrible eathquake, far outdid what anyone else did. All I can say finally is that no matter what, we won't be building in brick any time soon, so the point is moot.


I think that's probably a bit of a sweeping statement...Nobody else on earth?


I think you will find that we Brits pitch in too when things get rough and the chips are down....It's probably not unique to Brits or Americans either really. I think it's probably just human nature. We can all fight and squabble amongst ourselves, but in times of need, we pull together.


In regard to aid for Haiti, and other places. Yes it's true, probably nobody else helped more than America, but that might be more to do with having the funds to do it!


At the risk of opening wounds, can ask your honest opinion? (back on topic)


Given the same circumstances in terms of say perhaps a hurricane. Which would fare best? Brick or wood? (disregarding availability of materials, cost etc).

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I don't think Mort was refering to your posts Buck. In fact I'm sure. But some posters on here made very insulting comments here, personally aimed at me. But hey ho, I've been in that boat before. It's nothing new to me, and I try hard to ignore them ...mostly!


See Mr Bloke's and Regatta's comment earlier!


I hold my hands up and plead guilty to the thread title, in that perhaps it was a little insensitive in light of the loss of life from 'Sandy'.


Pete, I have had my moments with buck and harelyman, I must admit our spat was six of one and half a dozen of the other but you are tongue in cheek and mean no offence what so ever, your post are constructive and I have learned a great deal reading them, by that I mean, I do gob off a lot but by reading your post and see how you handle things when people either read your post wrongly or are just trolling, I now don't dive in head first, if anyone deserves to be attacked on this forum it's me and certainly not you.

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Didn't realise this thread would generate so much controversy or passion.


I concede that maybe I don't , or rather didn't understand the geology of America (why would I), or the availability of materials to build with.


However, as a Brit, when I see images like this, I think you might agree my assumptions in regard to wood as opposed to brick or stone.


Think you've been a victim of pedantry on this thread my friend, pedantry and <removed> (am I allowed to say that?).


Some people find it difficult to disagree or put forward other explanations, without stooping to belittling.


Anyway, totally understand your OP, have always wondered the same thing myself and also always seem to wonder if they've ever heard of the three little pigs. Think we at least have some answers from the friendly forummers who aren't here just to add padding to the pages :)

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Pete, I have had my moments with buck and harelyman, I must admit our spat was six of one and half a dozen of the other but you are tongue in cheek and mean no offence what so ever, your post are constructive and I have learned a great deal reading them, by that I mean, I do gob off a lot but by reading your post and see how you handle things when people either read your post wrongly or are just trolling, I now don't dive in head first, if anyone deserves to be attacked on this forum it's me and certainly not you.


Blimey!!!!!...A convert to civility!...I have to admit, at one point I did think you were on the forum, purely for the purpose of inflaming things, and trolling. But that opinion has changed. You're clearly 'thinking' about things you post now. You do add some insightful agrguments to a debate, albeit, a little bluntly. But hey, it's all part of lifes rich tapestry. If we all had the same personalities, then this forum for one, wouldn't be worth the time of day!

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Think you've been a victim of pedantry on this thread my friend, pedantry and arseholes (am I allowed to say that?).


Some people find it difficult to disagree or put forward other explanations, without stooping to belittling.


Anyway, totally understand your OP, have always wondered the same thing myself and also always seem to wonder if they've ever heard of the three little pigs. Think we at least have some answers from the friendly forummers who aren't here just to add padding to the pages :)


Thanks Severn. I'm afraid I'm pretty much 'always' the target of pedants. But I cope with it. It's the price you pay on here for thinking of threads that inspire comments. I try not to rise to insults and personal comments, but sometimes, I do 'snap', as anyone would. I do notice that a large proportion of the 'pedants' never launch their own threads, but are content to belittle others. I'm not sure what that says, but it seems to be a fact.


As for the three little pigs, I'm told it's just a story!...However, it's one that does make sense to me!


I'm off to hide now I've said that!.....Bugger it's difficult to type hiding under this desk!....:hihi:

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