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Why are communist leader so rich?

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Sooooo..... why did the Soviet Union, a corrupt one party state... go bankrupt?


Because they were alot more hardcore communist than the Chinese.


The Chinese have done an awful lot to open up their economy to outside investment, and people were falling over each other to rush business into China.

They have a massive cheap workforce, they have the factorys and they have lots of materials (90 some % of the current rare earths for electronics)


The Soviets did none of that, and when their economy eventually hit the skids because of decades of corruption and mismanagement the whole thing fell apart.


The Soviet union proved it was not possible to 'go it alone'

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Its only the same in the UK.


Many communists in the UK live in leafy areas of citys, just look at Sheffield.


TO be fair many communists/socialists are more "in it for the money" than true blue tory voting business owners


A bit like bloated plutocrats, boardroom dullards and their middle rank lickcheeses really - calling for wage restraint amongst the lower orders but living in luxury. Still at least they can count on their useful idiots reading the tabloids and becoming emissaries on Forums: justifying upper class excess while condemning the poor as the natural order of things. :roll:

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Sooooo..... why did the Soviet Union, a corrupt one party state... go bankrupt?


If I had to sum it up into one post here on SF............. it would be that the embarrassment of being forced to back down in the Cuban missile, due to it being massively out numbered in nuclear weapons, led them to spending too much money on the defence industry in an attempt to gain parity with the US.

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The people don’t mind as long as their next door neighbour doesn’t have more than them, an equal share of nothing with a very small group of rich people at the top is far better than lots of rich people, lots of medium wealth people and some poor people at the bottom, according to some.


The people dont mind................


How on earth can you purport to represent a billion people -are you studying Sino-Japanese at university or something?

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Its only the same in the UK.


Many communists in the UK live in leafy areas of citys, just look at Sheffield.


TO be fair many communists/socialists are more "in it for the money" than true blue tory voting business owners


Thats right-a mate of mine lives on Whirlowdale Rd,with Che Guevara on one side and Fredrich Engels on the other.Apparently Stalin and trotsky rented a bungalow opposite in the 1920s.

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China is a country that is rapidly evolving. The leaders may still feel some adherence to the Communist Party but the rest of the country had embraced Capitalism in a big way.


In the next decade or perhaps just a little beyond the Communist party will either just wither away on the vine or be forcibly replaced with a leadership completely in step with the changes that are taking place

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China is a country that is rapidly evolving. The leaders may still feel some adherence to the Communist Party but the rest of the country had embraced Capitalism in a big way.


In the next decade or perhaps just a little beyond the Communist party will either just wither away on the vine or be forcibly replaced with a leadership completely in step with the changes that are taking place


I cant see the CP fading as it is the basis of political control,even though in reality China is less Marx and more Marks and Spencers these days.

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Thats right-a mate of mine lives on Whirlowdale Rd,with Che Guevara on one side and Fredrich Engels on the other.Apparently Stalin and trotsky rented a bungalow opposite in the 1920s.


Don't be silly Stalin lived in this luxury pile back in the USSR.



Mind you that was just his summer residence. I suppose he could have had other houses scattered around the place. It was good for the prolls to know that their sacrifice wasn't in vain.


Trotsy on the other hand had luxury houses in both Paris and Mexico, but I'm not sure about one in Sheffield.

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Don't be silly Stalin lived in this luxury pile back in the USSR.



Mind you that was just his summer residence. I suppose he could have had other houses scattered around the place. It was good for the prolls to know that their sacrifice wasn't in vain.


yes but he had a summer dacha in S11 which he sublet to David Lloyd George.

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yes but he had a summer dacha in S11 which he sublet to David Lloyd George.

I wouldn't doubt it. The communist leaders were all for collectivism and "from each according to his abilities, to each according to their needs", so long as it didn't apply to them. Their needs-to-abilities ratios were always rather high. ;)

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