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Weird things that people do when they're bored

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Is it just me who finds strange activities to occupy my mind when i'm bored.


I am currently watching sign zone programs (programs that are shown with a person translating them into sign language). I have turned off the sound on my tv and i am trying to work out what is happening. I think it is somethign to do with a spider, a spider-monkey. It has the body of a spider but the mind of a monkey.


Now i'm just rambling


Have any of you found yourself doing anything equally ridiculous just to pass the time?



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Last week I had my CD player fixed at Richer sounds and they gave me free giant sized bubble wrap to bring it home in. I was well chuffed.


When I got home I obviously unravelled it and lay it out on my bedroom floor, cranked up my hi-fi and stamped all over it in time to the music.


I always go mental when I'm bored!

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Originally posted by nomme

I've mentioned this elsewhere but I've started doing this:




I'm now looking for '3', which is a bit annoying because I saw a '3' before I saw a '2'. 03 doesn't count as that would be too easy.




To clarify the new style 02 on a number plate can be counted as a 2. However some new number plates also include the letter "O". Do not be tempted to use these "O"s to turn an 02 into a 200.

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