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George Entwistle - Clueless? [Update: He's resigned]


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Got to agree with you.


From the BBC...

"He has commissioned a report from BBC Scotland director Ken MacQuarrie into what happened with the Newsnight investigation, and expects to see it on Sunday."


He should be doing this himself, not asking others to do it.

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As title really. He was kicked from pillar to post by John Humphries this morning on the Today programme.


He claimed that he didn't know that the Lord McAlpine story was going to be run by Newsnight, which must have made him the only person in the country.


Quite unbelievable stuff.

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How does a man like this become DG of the BBC in the first place?


Like everyone does nowadays, you apply for the post and have an interview.


That has to be the shortest stretch a DG has served. I feel for the man, but he's done well to get out now, no point in him serving as a dartboard for the scumbag media.

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