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George Entwistle - Clueless? [Update: He's resigned]


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Fantastic impartiality. Courageous journalism.


I hadn't, thanks.


Did Sky news ever interview, or try to interview, James or Rupert Murdoch over phone hacking and NoTW?


My opinion is that there probably are/were some very high profile child sex abusers that are chortling with glee at this diversion.

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Jeremy Paxman's statement on this:


"George Entwistle's departure is a great shame. He has been brought low by cowards and incompetents.


"The real problem here is the BBC's decision, in the wake of the Hutton Inquiry, to play safe by appointing biddable people. They then compounded the problem by enforcing a series of cuts on programme budgets, while bloating the management. That is how you arrive at the current mess on Newsnight."


Paxman added: "I very much doubt the problem is unique to that programme. I had hoped that George might stay to sort this out. It is a great pity that a talented man has been sacrificed, while time-servers prosper.


"I shall not be issuing any further statements or doing any interviews."


Pretty interesting.

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As title really. He was kicked from pillar to post by John Humphries this morning on the Today programme.


He claimed that he didn't know that the Lord McAlpine story was going to be run by Newsnight, which must have made him the only person in the country.


Quite unbelievable stuff.


Now listened to it and It's a bit bizarre really. Humpreys asked probing questions and took his boss apart. It would have been embarrassing behind closed doors - on national radio, incredible. He effectivly sacked his own boss. I've never really been a humpreys fan but he sort of showed Philip schofield up for what he is.

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His terrible performance on the Today programme meant he had to go. Effectively admitting that he hadn't bothered to check any news source all day (The Guardian front page on Friday had the mistaken identity story), and displaying a complete lack of curiosity when the organisation he is running is in crisis.


However, its interesting to compare this with the Chistopher Jeffries case, why aren't the editors of the newspapers involved all fired?


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The bbc should have been wound up years ago,they could see how it goes by making the license fee voluntary just like it's a volutary fee to watch sky or virgin.That would be interesting.


The licence fee isn't a fee for the BBC, it's a licence to operate equipment that recieves broadcast television services.


That the money currently mostly goes to the BBC is besides the point. It could go direct to the Treasury, with the BBC funded from general taxation, but this would give the Government of the day even more ability to meddle with the BBCs decisions.


Many countries have a licence fee and adverts on all channels.

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